+ 1
they kept us guessing on Floki,
the mushroom bit was killer,
sneaking up on Bjorn getting laid and then yanking his sword
and even Siggy was in on the deception. good for her
All hail King Ragnar
no, no, no
however if I could see a video from inside city hall of them ,.....
also I can see peeing in the woods, but in the parking lot in the middle of the day?
billionaires pay millions to billions to politicians election funds. if 3% of what they give went to schools etc it would help your state taxes get reduced.
ex casino magnate Sheldon Adelson and his wife Miriam donated nearly $93 million in 2012 alone to conservative super PACs. $2,790,000.00
OR now that Ralph has passed The Donald can donate $100 Million for naming rights that could be used in lieu of tax $
Trump Stadium
was the part where Sam killed the whitewalker was different too?
Wasn't he straggling behind the men returning to wherever when he killed the whitewalker with the obsidian knife?
my wife had to learn all that stuff to become a citizen
I forgot or chose not to remember and or give a **** politically about who was what in my 20's,
so as usual the hubby is useless to his wife
I've also said I need to re-read the books too many fuzzy recollections
They never continued Rickon either in the books yet he's (supposedly) still alive. I still think Robs wife is pregnant and in or near Riverrun.
why did they make Jamie rape his sister when it was consensual? Jamie was turning out to be a nice(er) guy in both
I thought it was Margaery's grandmother that offed Joffrey and yet both she (grams) and Littlefoot took credit.
its a glamor job w/little pay and men ogling them when they shake their pom poms and dream of a wardrobe malfunction on a high kick.
IF they don't know that going in they are clueless or stupid
in some areas they follow the books closely, but I've seen a lot of areas where they ventured from the original storyline. reread my posts in this thread, I have listed all of the areas I feel they veered.