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Everything posted by BillsFan-4-Ever

  1. damn can't beat that one unless its his wife / girlfriend
  2. Good drafting Good coaching Player retention getting consistent above average QB play (with surrounding talent)
  3. to repeat myself from the other thread Too much down time in the off season!!!!! legalize it for goodness sake !!!!!
  4. Too much down time in the off season!!!!! legalize it for goodness sake !!!!!
  5. pot brownies, magic mushrooms and a 20 oz prime rib medium rare
  6. the pisser is the timeline that the books were written in. whats fresh in memory still happened long before if you get my meaning. my guess is that it will be next season. will they get to Nymeria leading the large pack of wolves? how well will the Ironborn fit in? my guess is that it will be next season as well.
  7. I keep thinking today is Wednesday
  8. no, it may lead to the reader(s) replying in full with what may be a true spoiler, like I almost did is it a spoiler if it was never in the books? like the white walker king and the baby ........
  9. not related to people but being a dog lover 3 days after I got my license a puppy ran out in front of my car. That sucked - figure in the mid 70's cars were still built like tanks
  10. that may be true, but stuff like that happens in a lot of work places. sounds like the sugar daddy got jealous and blew her in that too. but then again (barring the various men issue) tell me, have you ever had sex with a young one in the room? for most parents I would say yes.
  11. https://www.google.com/search?q=Rebecca+Grant&client=firefox-a&hs=1KQ&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=sb&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=kB1pU53kCueS0QW0poDABw&ved=0CDEQsAQ&biw=1600&bih=766 I believe it with this pic with a bit of added flotation material
  12. damn typo hit the r not the t. his quirkiness and prophetic babble would fit in well IF they follow along with the Greyjoy clan storyline. Gods beneath the sea and all. Locke gets it later in the books IIRC, so all in all he's gone. Was it at the inn or highway robbers that wound the Hound. Arrya has to go to the faceless men's temple or I'd be disappointing in a sense.
  13. say what? please post a link, cuz that would be ....... damn wrong thread Wrong thread Rubes. twists belong in the readers thread.
  14. despicable maybe. I'm not at the hate part yet. on the hateable list Twin Lanister Joff (deceased) The mountain The hound Cersei other than being a MILF Theon Ramsay Snow hateable but moving up to likable Jamie and for some reason likable from the get go Tyrion
  15. interesting the Bills seem to be in the better needs position. the no immediate need to replace Cinderfella needs to be changed to yellow
  16. so you (basically) want to double the # of draft picks in rounds 2 - 7. how do you factor in salaries and cap space?? a lot of teams don't keep all 7 draftees now it will be over 1o = p[layers per team that may not get a chance on a team that could use them
  17. excuse me who won the Heisman this year?http://www.heisman.c.../heismanWinners My assumption is based on a gut feeling that his cocky attitude won't cut it and add that to the comments by other sports people --------- new Texas defensive coordinator Vance Bedford and the Johnny Manziel camp. http://msn.foxsports...-bedford-050514 I'm in EJ's camp for the next 2 seasons AS the starter. I hope that extends for a decade beyond. swagger won't get you anything but knocked on your azz until you can prove yourself season after season .
  18. this the book thread? Ok thenwhen Arrya does him in I'll be excited. I got bored with the Danny being queen portion of the books. I wanted dragons flaming her enemies. the hound slapping Arrya was not power packed excitement, nor was Pod and Brienne plodding along a road. I started rereading from book 2. anyone seen Parchface at all on the show? (from under the sea oh oh oh)
  19. Thursday Getting ready when my daughter graduates college cum laude @ JMU in Harrisonburg VA Friday Attending functions at my daughters college graduation early evening on Saturday Attending my daughters college graduation 9 AM and on. dining with family and friends all afternoon and early evening. Sunday relaxing after as long weekend
  20. and I'll put the word Hell in front of my answer
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