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Everything posted by BillsFan-4-Ever

  1. You should do some research before posting outlandish comments like those 1) how do you know the "grew up around it"? A Marcell Dareus story http://www.thepostgame.com/features/201104/marcell-dareus-alabama-crimson-tide-defensive-tackle-nfl-draft 2) LMAO No it doesn't. in recent history 3 presidents have admitted to doing drugs President George W. Bush # 12 -"I wouldn't answer the marijuana questions. You know why? Because I don't want some little kid doing what I tried." Obama Clinton http://www.mpp.org/o...users-list.html Gov. Sarah Palin #39 - "I can't claim a Bill Clinton and say that I never inhaled.” Michael Bloomberg Sen. Rand Paul Bill Gates Rush Limbaugh oh wait never mind http://en.wikipedia....to_cannabis_use others successfully famous people that did drugs http://www.famoussci...ted-with-drugs/ Sir Richard Branson Carl Sagan Thomas Alva Edison Sigmund Freud
  2. they are soon to be at the end of one maybe two story lines at the pace they are going while so much more needs to be shown with others.
  3. come on its not a skirt its a Kilt
  4. +1 NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not Johnny Football :cry:
  5. Netscape still exists? Google Earth image why do we need a rendering?
  6. you're kidding right? oh and they can talk to big brother too. rate of speeding etc
  7. from the link The district said notice has already been given but insists the Bible reading in question took place when the kids were supposed to be reading from a specific list of books. "It's an accelerated reading program," said spokesperson Cathy Brennan. "During that program, students may choose books from an area and depending on the difficulty level of the book, students earn points." > he'd been told repeatedly not to do it > he could read it in school before class, during lunch and after class.
  8. Correction She's a Ticking Bomb she's only a rock star to those enamored with her guns a blazing mentality.
  9. With the new V2V technology if all road legal vehicles have this as a standard option all vehicles will be able 2 communicate with other vehicles http://www.extremetech.com/extreme/176093-v2v-what-are-vehicle-to-vehicle-communications-and-how-does-it-work
  10. funny story (maybe) A very long time ago I was invited to write stuff for a Bills site back when I followed the NFL from June 1 to Feb and was up on most of the teams pro's and cons... I declined Has TBD ever asked people to write stuff on twobillsdrive.com? or am I thinking BillsDaily.com if it was here ...... years later when I started posting here ... my comments got me banned.
  11. maybe I should reread it IIRC that's not what the transcript indicated. I'm pretty sure she didn't say that as written “Stop it! I’m sorry. This isn’t live,” she barked. Looking at her friend she continued. “What? I already said that. Stop it. Go away.”
  12. the sign said Yank the Chain to indicate when you want to get off the bus NOT Yank your Chain if you want to get off on the bus
  13. I heard that nowadays girls want to be asked in a special way eg - having someone famous ask them to go to the prom with John Smith and if you asked them straight up they said no. or is that a regional thing? kids don't have steady "gender" friends in Junior and Senior year anymore? if a girl demands that why not reciprocation?
  14. other than a death cert and a funeral parlor bill what other proof do you have? I mean who takes pictures at a funeral? he could be faking it
  15. re-reading I'm still almost 2 books from that scene so I found a snippet correlating the two Seeking shelter at the inn at the crossroads, they ran afoul of two of Gregor's men and their squire. When the two groups came to blows, Sandor killed Polliver and held off the Tickler but was seriously injured in the fight due to inebriation and hunger. The two were victorious, and though Arya dressed his wounds, they quickly became infected; still hating him, Arya refused to grant him the mercy of a quick death. She abandoned Sandor to die under a tree by the Trident, and his fate becomes uncertain after this point http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Sandor_Clegane
  16. if you are satisfied with an abridged and altered version of the story ..... stick with the show There are many layers to Arrya that are intriguing in the books.
  17. WRT Bellyache * #1 TUCK RULE #2 SPY GATE scratch 1 or more of their Rings
  18. then there is the time when they unintentionally burst into the room and jump up on the bed while you are in the act.
  19. meltdown? that is a bit of an overstatement
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