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Everything posted by BillsFan-4-Ever

  1. I'm only up to Arya on her way to the Wall / Winterfell when they get attacked and have to scatter, but before she, Gendry, Hot Pie and the others get captured. I read a story on Yahoo, may have been old) but they asked Theon's real life sister to play his sister when he's riding with and groping her. she said sorry no. I have no idea why this was posted recently when that episode aired a long time ago. http://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/pop-shop/6084941/lily-allen-game-of-thrones-brother-incest-alfie-allen-reddit-AMA
  2. JiiiimmmmBooooooooooooo (oh not ooh)
  3. not me I got bored after the 2nd paragraph and quit.
  4. what I'd like to see 14 + game starts 300 ypg average 2/1 INT ratio.
  5. I'd prefer the one on the right
  6. Sorry, if I wasn't clear. My comments were for those against pot in general. they want to crucify pot smokers when they have no ideal what it is about. WRT to your post well said good sir. legalities .... rapist serve short sentences, getting busted for pot is time up to 15 years in some states.
  7. if you haven't tried it, how the hell can you make any rational argument against it? you can't.
  8. like most 1st rounders August
  9. see my last post ...... not until they are winners
  10. its going to happen so you better get use to it. oh and FYI it's got nothing to do with being a liberal or conservative. And even though you don't want to believe it, there are a lot of conservative who toke up. I mentioned that in the PPP they refuse to accept the reality of it.
  11. this goes to the Ironborn comments Who met Theon when he returned to the Iron Islands for the first time in a decade? Uncle Aeron (Damphair) or his sister Asha (aka Yara) on a single horse?
  12. Not a Buffalo Bill not until they become significant again
  13. only the spider knows. how far would he get if he defended Tyrion? What of Shae's betrayal? its whats to come that should satisfy the viewers.
  14. I'm sure you won't find it in an official posting but the consensus is that 50% of NFL players smoke weed, you can argue with me all you want and call me ignorant, yet none of you have refuted my point about Dareus nor offered a rational explanation as to how those people became such a success.
  15. I wish. Got some to share?
  16. ignorance is bliss they say. Why don't you tweet Branson, Gates, Palin, and Rand Paul and tell them what losers they are.
  17. yeah, and we are all knowledgeable that you have a bug up your and can't resist being a D-bag when replying to me
  18. I figured that I'm all for making it safer when others are too distracted to drive. lower insurance ... but what about the litigation in blaming the companies for selling a faulty product (recalls) ?
  19. excuse me for not saying that she handled it in the most appropriate way or not "First, let me apologize to the student and his family. This was a situation that should have been handled differently," Runcie said at Tuesday's School Board meeting. "It does not represent the values of our school system. Let me be clear. Broward County Public Schools respects and upholds the right to bring personal religious material to school, including the Bible." did his apology say anything about reading books in the curriculum vs personal preferences in the specified time? Care to comment to Chef and jboyst like you replied to me? they basically said what I said except that I didn't say she handled it right or wrong.
  20. no, it's you and the people who think this way that should be embarrassed. I'd rather do successful things with a company full of pot heads over a company full of drunkards.
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