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Everything posted by BillsFan-4-Ever

  1. that would be correct. there's much and more to come ... if the TV writers follow the book here
  2. if they want a "family" experience GET the kids INSIDE early and give them stuff to do. let the beer drinkers stay in the parking lot.
  3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_law Religion Also WHO the hell will go into the stadium at 11 for a buy a $6 beer when you can drink for MUCH less at your vehicle?!?!
  4. since this is just my own interpretation seriously? a made up language for a TV show and this guy (alexwebb2) is transcribing it like he's translating a bible?
  5. the hunter? WTF, I'd have gotten 3 shots off by the time the camera person went from daytime to night time how much buck lure did he put on that deer?
  6. Doc, is this you? http://seattletimes.com/html/localnews/2023808338_zilbersteinsuspensionxml.html The state has suspended the license of a Seattle anesthesiologist alleged to have sexted his girlfriend while he was responsible for anesthetized patients. He allegedly sent her explicit selfies from the hospital and prescribed painkillers and other drugs to her inappropriatel
  7. on a side note Doc, How much time does an anesthesiologist have at work for texting while a patient is under?
  8. Seriously??? This schit again? AMEN
  9. hell if someone is giving away free tickets (if needed) I'll be in town Friday Aug 1stand could use a few .
  10. is beerball the one in the blue dress?
  11. some tourists are just clueless. https://www.google.com/search?q=bear+breaks+into+car&client=firefox-a&hs=1K4&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=sb&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=vk-YU9X6Nu2c0wXa0YCoAQ&sqi=2&ved=0CCUQsAQ&biw=1600&bih=766
  12. wait til the finale. then we can discuss. there's much and more
  13. it was too easy not to say it!speaking of bulls breaking bad ... Many years ago I had cousins up in Watertown that had a farm and they raised cattle. My dad bought a young "bull" to be raised on the farm and this young bull would always get out. It turned out that he would shimmy under the bottom wire and escape and then get into a neighbors farm and go after the cows. No brute force needed .
  14. There's an ESPN article linked on TBD The pre-trial intervention program, which Giddens said is common in cases of marijuana and cocaine possession, includes drug counseling and could eventually result in Dareus' case being dismissed.' :thumbsup:
  15. Damn, thanks ..... I'd still hate to see Arya not go to bravos...... Trying to remember where the book left off.. Did Brianne meet Lady Stoneheart when she and Pod "visited" with the Brotherhood? rereading book 2, I'm at the point when Theon captures Winterfell and meets "Reek" .... something about being in the service of the bastard of Dreadfort (Bolton) til the Starks give him an arrow in the back as a wedding gift. ( allowing Reek 1 to escape ....) Is Ramsay a second bastard?
  16. thats what the story says A mother bear had gotten into the car, presumably wanting to get her paws on a few gumdrops left in the middle console. She apparently didn't count on the door closing behind her, separating her from her two cubs. Once I went to get gas 1/2 mile from my home, went inside to pay and when I got back my oldest (2 year old) locked me out of the car.
  17. That may be right , but again I think the timeline is off. . if that happens than we will se a lot of other characters and the rest will be sitting "idle" for a full season or so. but wont the Brianne v the Hound muck with the Arys / Bravos storyline? Brianne will lift Arya just as easy as the Hound could.
  18. which thread is this??? hmmmm would this be a spoiler or not? ... we'll have to see what happens next week to say for sure.
  19. the last 2 cars (he stole) were right side steering. The Ford that he was driving with first was American. FWIW the 2nd or 3rd episode when he was driving with Chloe they had a right side steering car. ahh but the pilot never had a good missile lock on Jack.... and the pilot did say he needed to be under 20,000 ft
  20. I dunno, that sounds like a lot of Bull to me!!
  21. OK who closed the door on the momma bear?
  22. actually, one was a female coworker (younger than I [20ish] and had a crush on me which was NOT reciprocated), but her mom was smoking. in more ways that one.
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