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Everything posted by BillsFan-4-Ever

  1. nice call did you see a sneak preview? its the (broken) horn that Sam found with the obsidian. It's the item Mance was looking for. I don't recall if they mentioned it in the show IF they break the wall... doesn't that defeat stopping the white walkers and their army? with the story as it sits we'll see a lot of Arya, Tyrion's travels, Danny sitting in Meereen governing, some of John and Stannis at the wall and a whole new cast of new characters what do we have to wait... 6 months, 8 months? damn
  2. oh so much to comment on...... I'll try to keep this neutral
  3. now I'm not sure I want to look
  4. so horny LOL somone has too much free time otherwise :thumbsup:
  5. in before the move to PPP Dan will never change the name ...... lifetime ban for intolerance to a name offensive to a race? Washington Natives lets them keep the logo
  6. actually, yes they do https://www.google.com/search?q=bicep+implants&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&channel=sb
  7. I can't offer a lot. They have some type of ID like a drivers license that allows you to cross into Canada w/o having to get a passport. Documentation you need to cross the border http://www.ezborderc...r/#.U5sWEyiJa8A Your group can wait on a bus to cross into Canada, or spend how 15 to 30 crossing the bridge on foot and then dealing with Customs. the bus should also have AC.
  8. for a bachelor party all I can say is
  9. ahh the good ole boys from New South Wales
  10. that's a little harsh - IF - all the guy did was rob places and didn't physically hurt people. just saying. Now IF he was a murderer and this happened its KARMA
  11. at first nothing then what could be a brownish green on some of the lines - not all. but that may be because of the power of suggestion.
  12. ALL? correct me if I'm wrong ...... wasn't both of them [drugs & racing] ONE player? aka Dareus
  13. I most always manage to get some package or other for free to keep my bill the same all year round. It usually takes a call to customer retention
  14. I went to a few games in the 80's and 90's no matter what some drunk idiots would start a fight whether it was verbal or verbal and then physical. one game the Bills were getting whooped and the other teams fans sitting behind me were getting cocky. I blew the jibes off and talked the physics of the game. some would converse others stayed the idiots. THEN when the Bills took the lead, oh how the Bills fans laid into the loud mouths .....
  15. FYI per ESPN Falcons to be on 'Hard Knocks'
  16. just reading the post wonder what I risk opening it “I didn’t think Tewksbury was that big on prostitution, OMG.... Yes it does. being a hot sweltery day...... I'd say sweat. maybe tears
  17. I'd guess it's the same. Add instant social media, a bunch of Twits and the interwebs and you have instant info. 20 years ago, who really cared who pissed in who's beer?
  18. I should have asked GOT a different link? on my iphone I yahoo'd Perula sells land ... 3rd hit,,,, forums.twobillsdrive....
  19. At a Wegmans in Bethlehem PA, to get beer / wine you have to go to a "special set" of registers to buy it. Food and booze sales have to be kept separate. glad its not like that in VA
  20. do you literally mean a -1,000,000,000% chance? curious .... How many Canadian fans cross the border weekly to attend Bills Functions?
  21. it still weird to me. Full daylight picture showing the buck then its dark AND they stay there and let another buck have its way? Take the kill, gut it and leave ..... Who sits around in the woods after?
  22. wonder if she has connections to the stripper with the H??? (in another thread)
  23. I recall years ago at 11:50 on Sunday morning at a Weggies they made me wait (in line) til 12PM
  24. can you see it now ??? Welcome to Metropoulos Stadium
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