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Everything posted by BillsFan-4-Ever

  1. The BIG difference to me is this Was Ralph ever an arrogant azz? Rich Products, a Buffalo-based food products company, signed a 25-year, $1.5 million deal ($60,000 per year), by which the venue would be called "Rich Stadium"; one of the earliest examples of the sale of naming rights in North American sports. (The name was somewhat of a compromise, after Bills owner and founder Ralph Wilson rejected the name Rich wanted to use, "Coffee Rich Park.") By a vote of 16 to 4, the county legislature approved the name in November 1972, despite a matching offer from Wilson to name it "Buffalo Bills Stadium. When the Bills organization regularly referred to the stadium without the "Rich" name, Rich Products brought a $7.5 million lawsuit against the team in 1976. After the original deal expired after a quarter century in 1998, the stadium was renamed in honor of Wilson. Rich Products balked at paying a greatly increased rights fee, which would have brought the price up to par with other NFL stadiums. http://en.wikipedia...._Wilson_Stadium
  2. my gym teachers would play dodgeball in the pool when you jumped off the diving board. if you weren't quick enough they'd slam you in the head.
  3. its Jack. he'll do it in no time
  4. yeah yeah survival of the fittest. baby steps .... he'll progress to more dangerous activities
  5. FWIW hydration is important as for the rest ... what a dick move one of my HS teachers took the class on a field trip. we went to breakfast and then he said have fun. C U at graduation
  6. what no warning points?
  7. not if she's into THAT dude
  8. where's the beef? Are there pics on that page?
  9. what was the question again? $1.357B Rich Family
  10. I was not specifying a hotel name. I was trying to say that The Donald would want to put his name on the Ralph somewhere in HUGE letters.
  11. is that USD or YEN? PLEASE someone OUTBID The Donald. I saw a bit where plastered his name on a new building in Chicago. Imagine seeing that on every trip to the Ralph!! :sick:
  12. good question. we know the D was "good" in some stats last season w/a record # of sacks and INT's. these seem to be following suit in (yes) minicamp. I wonder.... is the D that good or is the O lacking? http://www.buffalobi...96-9ce27764f069 image currently on left Kiko attitude
  13. and now we wait til Spring of 2015 for more......
  14. like Lake Erie circa 1969??
  15. IMO all Sansa gains Littlefinger is a ruined Winterfell and a tie to the "only" woman he loved. Also Roose Bolton is now the warden of the north, held formerly by Ned Stark. I had forgotten about the Quiet Isle.....
  16. w/o even looking Bills 26 why didn't I look? because its freaking JUNE
  17. theories of what may be.. oh those crazy fans who didn't read the books https://tv.yahoo.com/blogs/tv-news/best-craziest-game-of-thrones-fan-theories-song-of-ice-fire-231653233.html too many spoilers for the non readers thread IMO does jojen reed make it into the cave alive with bran? I don't recall the books storyline.
  18. wasn't there a story years back about subs being in one of the finger lakes? Seneca Lake I believe
  19. ummmm how many people have something other than a square or rectangular dining room?
  20. damn straight are mentally disabled people next?
  21. nice design crowding people on the corners of a square or rectangle really is a PITA
  22. its been a very long time since I had a pool growing up, but yes patches can work if done properly.
  23. man did they go cheep on the final scene's graphics .... IF she follows through and downs the drones then we switch to the real "spy" in the agency, and his employer and then the Russians wanting Jack I might be missing something ... care to explain the silent count? is it the TIC TOC of the clock?
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