In the TV show, when she's with Pod looking for Sansa, they meet Arya and the Hound. based on this scenario IF she were to meet the hound as the gravedigger, I would assume she would recognize him or vice versa.
I want to rehash a bit that I just read.
After Stanis gets defeated at Kings Landing and they shift the engagement from Sansa to Margaery, Dontos meets with Sansa in her chambers after the Hound leaves her and gives her the hairpiece saying something to the effect that it's magic that Sansa is free of Joff and that they can make their escape on the eve of the wedding. We all know that Dontos is working with Littlefinger .
Missing characters Big Belwas, a defender of Danny . Not a major character but doesn't he help save her later from being poisoned?
another tidbit that was different ... Arya never meets Tywin in Harrenhall after the weasel soup incident and Hoat arrives with the bear.