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Everything posted by BillsFan-4-Ever

  1. I can only wish that Brady keep passing 50 times a game and in the weeks to come have his arm turn to mush. PED's / HGH. Keep the rumor alive!!!
  2. I love Peyton but I just think his time has passed, unlike (the PED HGH gobbling) Brady. pure speculation on my part. someone start a rumor... or did I just do that?
  3. Doubtful. I may have mentioned a connection between the two from something I read on the web, but I am pretty sure I didn't make any predictions.
  4. I expect and want any Bills QB to put 17 or more points on the board each game. Keep drives going for 3 or more series even if they fizzle out. TOP on each drive improves field position.
  5. What can I say. Great minds think alike. Granted the Bills lost, but you are complaining that the backup QB is scoring over 2 TD's in each of his last 2 games.
  6. Condolences to your family FWIW - Leroi got the Rex hiring "first" With a bit of researched I deduced that Rex and Roman had a connection days before the story "broke" here.
  7. let us agree to disagree. EJ's 4 TD's & 3 INT's in 2 games (Andrew Luck type numbers) which were twice as many points than Taylor in his last 2 games. By your rationale I could say that Taylor regressed after his first 3 games. Week 1 - 27 points - Taylor good Week 2 - 32 points - Taylor horrible game until the 4th QTR Week 3 - 41 points - Taylor Week 4 - 10 points - Taylor not so great Week 5 - 14 points - Taylor not so great Week 6 - 21 points - All EJ does is suck Week 7 - 24 points (31 w/pick 6) - All EJ does is suck
  8. To your question - When have I not been a TT fan / supporter? Because I was busting balls with the EJ stinks crowd in preseason? Assumptions makes an azz out of you and me. Half the detractors here assume I am a Super Fan because I defend EJ against the Super Critics who trash him relentlessly. Stats are useless when used improperly. My point was that people are claiming that EJ sucks 100% and is a complete failure because he threw 2 INT's in the game. I simply pointed out how ELITE QB's have had 4 (not listed Tom Brady 2x), 5, 6, and was it 7 INT's in one game. You need to look at the whole picture and not a fraction of it when completely trashing a player.
  9. You mean the regular season no? I think his regular season INTs are 18, 9, 16 and in 5 games so far 9
  10. Tyrod is my guy you know. I'll buy 2 of them for $50 each. 4 if you got them at the same price.
  11. true that. related to Vikings invading England - Have you caught "The Last Kingdom"? It is more the British side of Earl Ragnarson and the Danes, conquering of Wessex, Mercia, etc
  12. We get it you don't like EJ. To ignore that EJ had 3 passing TD's and 1 rushing TD in the last 2 games is being ignorant of the whole picture. Need I remind you of the 24 total points by the Bills the prior 2 games. In the 2 losses EJ led the offense and put up 21 (14 himself) and 24 points (14 himself), and yes 3 turnovers which he overcame. If you want to play the stats game. EJ had the same completion ratio and passed for 20 more yards than Dalton who is sitting at 6-0.
  13. With his high $ contract - Very little unfortunately.
  14. Yes, bad calls happen but even my tired old eyes knew it was not interference in "real time" on a grainy medium def streaming video.
  15. Who else. The backup EJ. not for nothing but your inside information is batting .500
  16. 5 games in and that is proof? I support TT fully, but 5 games in by no means any proof. Look at RGIII for example. Light out his rookie season. Then what happened example # 2 Kapernick example #3 Sanchez -- 2 CCG's you can't argue that much.
  17. I'd love to see you guys get a warning every time you post EJ Sucks I'd get in less trouble for arguing and the atmosphere would improve.
  18. maybe one or two. I think its more that too many others are still trashing the backup EJ endlessly coupled with accepting bad play by some with TT but not EJ. Deflections off of hands oye Do yourself a favor and stop feeding Chan. He loves the attention he gets trashing back up QB's. He'll argue the harvest moon is green if given the chance.
  19. Offensive PI calls have changed. We have see more of them this season.
  20. Rick has had blood spatter his face a lot. I doubt the cut will infect him further. why 90 minutes? Because the care? lol ------- whats with the previews of the people on the airplane? is that something to do with Fear the Walking dead?
  21. did anyone else see excessive celebrating after the Bills TD? Hard to tell with a sputtering live stream
  22. During the game the commentators talk to some guy in the NY office [who unofficially reviews plays and offers his comments on the review(s)] I noticed mostly went against all calls that went Buffalo's way the last 2 games.
  23. good for them. Has the NFL apologized for the Robey gaff yet?
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