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Everything posted by BillsFan-4-Ever

  1. I'll go with 9-7 as the Bills W/L record EJ plays well enough to not be called a bust, Sammy steps up and we all forget who wore #13 The RD's by committee eclipse 2700 yds rushing eclipsing last years #2 ranking by 400 yds http://espn.go.com/nfl/statistics/team/_/stat/rushing
  2. wow that's a lot to think on . let me hit a few Which AFC team will take a significant step forward? Buffalo Which AFC team will take a significant step backward? NE* Putrids
  3. Bills defensive end Jerry Hughes has acknowledged that he was the other driver in what police say is a drag race that ended with Bills defensive tackle Marcell Dareus crashing his car into a tree. http://profootballta...areus-incident/ Do they have any other witness; to the actual "drag race"
  4. Nope, I spent some time in Stuttgart, Pirmasens (great Monks beer) and Karlsruhe.
  5. Fancy Font for such a long time ago, I also see what looks like a corn cob Cornholio - They had Bevis and Butthead way back then?
  6. It took one remark to spark SlutWalk protests across 200 cities worldwide beginning three years ago. Toronto Police Const. Michael Sanguinetti advised a group of women at York University in February 2011 to avoid violence by not “dressing like sluts in order not to be victimized. Is he a close friend of Rob Ford?
  7. Does he understand English? How many more signs do people need? Always keep your hands, legs, and arms inside your car [vehicle] at ALL times
  8. I'm still a Labatts fan or if I were in Germany (practically any beer)
  9. frequent flier on Delta 50,000 miles you get to check 2 bags for free.
  10. a 52-year-old former suburban Milwaukee police officer linked to a sadomasochistic online forum, was charged last week What the ???
  11. you're slipping Tom. Wheres' the .... You're all idiots ?
  12. Just stack the 15 cases of beer on the port of the boat. That should balance it out
  13. doing his best Linda Lovelace impersonation ....
  14. 5 pages late, but I'll echo Who?
  15. keep the fast paced O that they started last season, and lets hope the O stays healthy for a long while. If they can't get it done right by mid season then scrap it.
  16. I heard this morning that a 5th Ravens player was arrested over the weekend. Other than Big D who else on the Bills has had legal issues? Ravens cornerback Jimmy Smith arrested after incident in ...
  17. I ended up on the gallery page. you were saying? How could you rate Miami 2 A's?? traitor., keep up the good work
  18. great, now the sports world can move onto the next unimportant sport topic
  19. when you are at the apex of North Pole the only view has to be towards the south here's one's they missed If a rooster lays an egg on top of your house - what side does the egg roll down? (front or back, east or west pick the path you think most likely) similar to 5 A plane crashes on the border of the US and Canada - where do they bury the survivors?
  20. Stargate > Stargate SG1 > Stargate Atlantis (2004-2009) JAG > NCIS Hercules > Xena Warrior Princess
  21. ding ding ding This one is for Tom Take the Idiot Test 1. Do they have a 4th of July in England? 2. How many birthdays does the average man have? 3. Some months have 31 days; how many have 28? 4. A woman gives a beggar 50 cents; the woman is the beggar's sister, but the beggar is not the woman's brother. How come? 5. Why can't a man living in the USA be buried in Canada? 6. How many outs are there in an inning? 7. Is it legal for a man in California to marry his widow's sister? Why? 8. Two men play five games of checkers. Each man wins the same number of games. There are no ties. Explain this. 9. Divide 30 by 1/2 and add 10. What is the answer? 10. A man builds a house rectangular in shape. All sides have southern exposure. A big bear walks by, what color is the bear? Why? 11. If there are 3 apples and you take away 2, how many do you have? 12. I have two US coins totaling 55 cents. One is not a nickel (5 cents). What are the coins? 13. If you have only one match and you walked into a room where there was an oil burner, a kerosene lamp, and a wood burning stove, which one would you light first? 14. How far can a dog run into the woods? 15. A doctor gives you three pills telling you to take one every half hour. How long would the pills last? 16. A farmer has 17 sheep, and all but 9 die. How many are left? 17. How many animals of each sex did Moses take on the ark? 18. A clerk in the butcher shop is 5' 10" tall. What does he weigh? 19. How many two cent stamps are there in a dozen? 20. What was the President's name in 1950? Scoring guide: 20 Correct - Genius 17 Correct - Above Normal 15 Correct - Normal 8 Correct - Nincompoop 6 Correct - Moron 3 Correct - Idiot How Did You Do? test answers here >
  22. one out of two aint bad. try again you can only give, you can not get change back from the other party.
  23. zero taken, this thread probably got more attention than the supplemental draft
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