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Everything posted by BillsFan-4-Ever

  1. Zeplin anyone? is that different than having a smoking lounge on the Hindenburg ? http://www.airships.net/hindenburg-smoking-room
  2. you sick I'd agree 100% ... but some are too hot to not look at
  3. unfortunately I got into the habit of not drinking and driving decades ago. And I'm only In Utah for work and I'm (almost) always driving somewhere.
  4. 57 Sacks should take up a bit of time. The Legend of Kiko should eat up a bunch of time too and 23 INT's It wasn't ALL that bad.
  5. The Chiefs? WOW, but then again the AFC is mushy. I'd go Indy before I went KC
  6. Cinderella Tom Brady will fall and when he does it will be hard. The dude is getting old, just like P Manning. It's the reason I won't out right pick the Bronco's to go to the SB any more that I would the Cheatriots. Reevis Island is also getting old. If hes that good do you think he would have only stayed with the Buc's for 1 season and only with the Putrids for 1 season? (its a 2 yr contact but ONLY to protect the Pats salary cap) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSPNQ82Sq4E there you go,
  7. Which image, the 2 blondes behind's or the behind on the wrecking ball? LOL ROTFLMAO Sorry but, I see a wrecking ball in Cleveland so I just had too post it when I saw the gif I'm a sick man
  8. Tough question to answer, Can one actually find episodes from 1974. My first was the 4th Doctor Who - Tom Baker 8 June 1974 – 21 March 1981. I couldn't watch the next few who I thought sucked. (Many people like the first Doctor Who they watch) Many years later I picked it back up (my son liked the show) was the Doctor then, whom I liked, but he only lasted a season. He was followed by David Tennant who I had to grow to like, lasted almost 5 years. Then again the next Doctor Matt Smith, I wasn't a huge fan of. Hoe many times can the Doctor kill off he nemesis decade after decade. Pick up anywhere in the 2000's and you should be OK -------------------------- the spinoff Captain Jack Harkness was OK until they went over the top IMO with the homosexual activities weekly.
  9. I guess it's all about how the Bush is trimmed. wow,,,,
  10. do you really have to ask? MJ is the root of all evil don't cha know? 100's of thousands of people who never used it are experts on it's BAD effects. And what may I ask is your opinion of the drunken idiots who KILL themselves or other people in car crashes daily? Another point to remember Almost half of drivers killed in crashes who tested positive for drugs also had alcohol in their system - http://www.madd.org/...h.1atNYkyc.dpuf Almost half of drivers killed in crashes who tested positive for drugs also had alcohol in their system
  11. I saw some unexpected names for local beers there in the past few months for a Mormon town Polygamy Porter is one that sticks out
  12. not sure if this is the same event ,,,,,, the ladies backsides are nice too
  13. I'll DVR both. She (Jenna Coleman) is hot.!!! I have not been following Dr Who in the past year or two or three. Is this a redo? I thought each generation of the Doctor he was supposed to be "younger"? But hey, I get it ... I started watching it around 1976, if that were the case the Doctor'd be a preteen by now.
  14. call me a purist. I like my beer simple, When a wait "person" brings me a brew with a lemon or lime stuffed in it, I tell them to take it back and bring me another because I ordered a beer not a fruit cocktail. If I want pumpkin flavored beer, I'll order a slice of Pumpkin pie with my beer.
  15. Back on topic Hairless dog (French bulldog and Chinese Crested Dog mix) longing for companionship, while trying to get George Lukas to use his likeness in his upcoming movies ....
  16. IIRC its called the Spruce Goose did I miss the sarcasm? why the comments on a plane made of wood? Ancient to modern times, boats were made of wood and have survived many 100's to 1000's of years, and the first planes were all made out of wood and canvas. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_oldest_ships
  17. Google says the New Leave It to Beaver (also known as Still the Beaver) is classified as a series revival sequel (not spin-off)
  18. Not quite. A Civy working with TDY papers, I was testing Comm equipment (sold to the US Army) at the Stuttgart Army Garrison. way back in 1985, but I'm sure the beer hasn't gotten worse. WRT flavored beer ... If you have to "spice up" the beer with anything but hops, then it's not a beer, its a fruit cocktail
  19. yes, but most of them are shite compared to a good Canadian Brew
  20. BenGals Stillers @ Browns Panthers @ Colts Looks like the Cravens are going to dig themselves a HUGE hole in their division with all of these legal issues and suspensions in Sept
  21. according to that article .... No. He said ..... “I’m going to wait for them (Hamburger PoPo) to figure out what they’re doing.” how long after a traffic incident can the police issue a traffic ticket? Was there other criminal activities? I hadn't heard of any.
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