Tough question to answer, Can one actually find episodes from 1974. My first was the 4th Doctor Who - Tom Baker 8 June 1974 – 21 March 1981. I couldn't watch the next few who I thought sucked. (Many people like the first Doctor Who they watch)
Many years later I picked it back up (my son liked the show) was the Doctor then, whom I liked, but he only lasted a season. He was followed by David Tennant who I had to grow to like, lasted almost 5 years. Then again the next Doctor Matt Smith, I wasn't a huge fan of.
Hoe many times can the Doctor kill off he nemesis decade after decade.
Pick up anywhere in the 2000's and you should be OK
the spinoff Captain Jack Harkness was OK until they went over the top IMO with the homosexual activities weekly.