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Everything posted by BillsFan-4-Ever

  1. Do you think Marv cheated when the Bills whooped butt on Miami for all those years? A good coach doesn't really need to cheat . some incidents I recall Pumping in crowd noise... cheating or not? Pulling the fire alarm repeatedly at the visiting teams hotel .. cheating or not? Shoveling snow during a storm only for your kicker ... cheating or not? Forbidding certain zip codes from purchasing tickets ... cheating or not?
  2. which reminds me..... How the hell does Bellyache get to propose so many rules changes? and you know damn well why he's doing it. not to keep piling it on..... but Bill Belichick admitted he made a mistake interpreting the rule change that contributed to Sunday's overtime loss to the Jets. http://www.sbnation.com/nfl/2013/10/21/4862106/bill-belichick-nfl-rule-change-patriots-jets this one is odd because it's guaranteed to hurt the Putz Belichick proposed to allow coaches to challenge any call that any official makes was voted down by the owners this offseason. http://www.boston.com/sports/blogs/obnoxiousbostonfan/2014/03/10_more_changes_bill_belichick_smile.html Extending goalpost uprights 5 feet higher into the air in order to make it easier to determined which kicks are good or not. [see 2012 regular-season loss Baltimore.]
  3. any others besides CJ to be honest I want to CJ produce every run of every game (I know that's impossible, but you get the point) before I would commit BIG $$$ for multiple years
  4. a lot of the people I talk to who live in NYC or there abouts, they call upstate NY anything 15 miles west of the river. upstate to me is North of Syracuse, Western NY is anything west of Syracuse also, isn't it difficult enough to find good to great QB's and such with 32 teams?
  5. we'll agree to disagree. I used to average a speeding ticket once every 16 months. After a few years I thought I'd better slow it down some.Oh I still speed but I make an effort to not overdo it. I drive a rural road on the way home to avoid traffic and there is a spot where the road dips and I get to just over 60 in a 45, Often times a cop sits there waiting for speeders. Well, 3 weeks ago I forgot to be cautious at that point and WAMMO. on came the bubble lights.yadda yadda ... the cop came back to me and said you have an excellent driving record so I'll let you off with a warning. the day I wasn't as aware was the day I got caught
  6. did you watch those two you tune video's? or the picture of him on the water slide? or his kicking the Raven in the knee? pansy all the way. ummm yes when Hernandez is up for multiple counts of murder.
  7. Lets not forget (and I'm serious) the refs favoritism of the Putrids.
  8. the paranoia is mostly being afraid of getting busted for smoking it, be it the cops or your parents or your wife and or your kids. Even "responsible" drinkers get paranoid having a drink at lunch then going back to work. BTW I haven't been paranoid in over 30 years. and truth be told ... I'd rather have a paranoid pot smoker driving next to me than an uncaring drunk ready to run someone off the road.
  9. I was thinking that as well. Finish with a BANG!!!
  10. I agree I've seen much worse POS's on the road. Last week when I was up in Rochester and this person was driving with their quarter panel hanging 2 feet off to the side doing 65 mph on 590
  11. you don't have to worry about broken glass if you drop the can,You can condense cans for recycling and or hide them better if it just happens that to need to ... public park and a police patrol. seems like you two are not too far from Tucanos Brazilian Grill I could eat there every night for the price they charge $25 for all you can eat (and I get to expense it). :thumbsup: I try to make it there on every trip up to Salt Lake.
  12. for a minute I thought you were referring to this
  13. that's what a lot of alcohol will do to you.
  14. the one where he said he'd never remember he had a daughter and that she died horribly?
  15. LOL Don't look his zipper is down
  16. he should have used a go pro (worn on the back of his head)
  17. YES, for the time being. hopefully there's more in the future. They can't leave us hanging like that. Off with your head !!! The clock was there, I didn't hear any "digital" ticking sound!!!
  18. oh and lets not forget Tommy Boy's antics
  19. To the people at Forbes, Please see WHO is New York's Favorite Team!!! re-branding my
  20. IF you consider cheating as part of being the best coach ever. Well you are entitled to that opinion.Look, I know a lot of coaches try to get an advantage one way or another but IMO Belicheat has far exceeded the antics of other coaches. I'd love to have the time to research how many NFL teams have headset communication failures for the visiting teams compared to NE. how many NFL teams have spygate type film of opponents. We know of the NYETS here's another player who won't let it go. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/01/30/marshall-faulk-patriots-cheated-the-rams-out-of-a-super-bowl/ And lets not forget the weekly fictitious injury reports.
  21. Read this on the Bills app this AM. So much for the media person that claimed the Bills needed to relocate and or rebrand its name. the Bruins are more popular than the Putz in Mass LOL The Nats more popular than the Skins? WOW. TV ratings for the Nats dropped 30% since last season.
  22. that too. depends on how you look at it. a nice cold beer does wonders after a hard days work.
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