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Everything posted by BillsFan-4-Ever

  1. would you be happy if the OP changed the title to Belichick caught cheating the law?
  2. radiation leak under his hose boat ....
  3. has anyone been able to find a gif of Jack swinging the sword?
  4. nope. I've known about this reference for a while as I've seen numerous jokes about it on the internet. I expected most people knew about it. Sept 2012 http://blog.perunature.com/2012/09/this-is-one-unbelievable-caterpillar.html
  5. Hey lets take my car and rob a bank. Now that we just got a speeding ticket maybe we should put some sheer stockings over our heads when we go in
  6. That is a rare caterpillar in the Amazon rain forest (also known as the Flannel Moth caterpillar) know as the Donald Trump Moth (caterpillar)
  7. could have been worse they could have used chickens. (WKRP reference)
  8. what lengths people will go to, just to not call it a sink hole Call Mr Peabody and ask him to use his wayback machine and whisk you back 2 years to witness the event.
  9. :blink: WTF? If he intended to threaten her the dude should have used a sledge hammer
  10. Dareus needs to clean up his act before he gets the BIG $$
  11. honestly? Where to hide the bodies. I'm listing his other transgressions. If this texting thing if against NFL rules, 'nuf said. It's easier to control ones speed to 10mph over the speed limit with cruise control than it is to control ones character flaws. I haven't heard a forum being called a chat site in decades - makes you feel old LOL
  12. yes but the question still remains nekked?
  13. NP That's what I thought.
  14. leave it to the French. did they reserve room for the chickens and sheep?
  15. the perfect summer for me.... 80 degrees, partly cloudy with a light breeze
  16. from what I recall living there for 40 years (and I can't see how it changed much since 1997) Memorial Day weekend 55 and rainy "Summer" starts the 2nd week of June through the 2nd week of August where the temps generally range in from the mid 70's to the mid 80's. Labor Day weekend 55 and rainy I recall one summer in the early 90's IIRC when the "summer" days were overcast 80% of the time and the temps never passed 80 degrees. This sticks in mind because I spent the "summer" before June through August in Australia so I went 2 full seasons w/o a lot of sunshine and pool time. Here's a Roch NY weather link http://www.weather.c.../graph/USNY1232
  17. I think us Bills fans are the only ones left who still like Berman I wonder why
  18. sure they all like to bend the rules. that's not the argumet here. let them all do it and not ignore the worst offenders.
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