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Everything posted by BillsFan-4-Ever

  1. electro shock therapy not kidding pulsating voltage for half an hour a day. Lift with your legs and not your back, don't twist too far carrying anything of a significant weight and don't stay bent over for too long doing .......... at the first sign of discomfort I use Icy Hot No Mess. Much better than a patch that rips your hair out http://www.icyhot.com/no-mess/ Icy Hot has a new item out http://www.icyhot.com/smartrelief/
  2. facts?where did it say coke possession in that article? Got link? Also 3 times busted for a joint can = 20 years LOCK UP ALL DUI / DWI drivers for the same period of time and then I'll let this topic go.
  3. why do dogs eat their own vomit? not the liquid yack but the stuff with chunks
  4. +1 much hotter IMO what was the subject again?
  5. people have been jailed for a little as a half an ounce. Man Gets Sentenced To 20 Years In Prison For A Half Ounce Connecticut First offense: up to 1-year prison term, up to a $1,000 fine, or both.
  6. We speculated on IF Damphair would be mentioned. I'm halfway through the 3rd book Storm of swords. ch 43 There is a bit in the book that counters the theories about Jon Snows mother. Ned [Edric Dayne Lord of Starfall] (Dondarian's squire) tells Arya that Wylla was his Milk Mother and that Wylla was Johns mother, then he goes on about Lady Ashara Dayne threw herself into the sea from a broken heart because she loved Ned Stark. And this happened before Ned Stark was betrothed to Catelyn. And yes they also mentioned Targaryian being with Lyanna Stark. - Another mystery... Who is the woman Hoster Tully mentioned . Tansy?
  7. now I know why there is a poll. WHY? and IF they do it better be for a top notch RB
  8. that sux sorry to hear that.
  9. only the good die young... the a-wipes live on to annoy us
  10. i thought the stripes were on the outside of the skin
  11. sheesh is that a follow up to naked and afraid?? then there is blind marriage WTF
  12. dead pigs in the middle of the road too soon?
  13. sure thats a problem too, but 3/4 's of a Million people arrested for a marijuana law violations (each year?) (Total Annual Drug Arrests in the US, by Type) (2012) Of the 1,552,432 arrests for drug law violations in 2012, 82.2% (1,276,099) were for possession of a controlled substance. Only 17.8% (276,333) were for the sale or manufacturing of a drug. - See more at: http://www.drugwarfa...h.WbItE3SI.dpuf
  14. before reading ..... so many ways to go with the title ... faulty implant law suit? close enough he doesn't have a (3rd) leg to stand on
  15. 5 inch nails? must have been some potent drugs they were on to forget
  16. similar I'm in the sticks in a growing community 15 miles north and west of Leesburg VA, There are 3 or 4 other Bills fans in the "new town" area and I'm always running into a Bills fans when I 'm out shopping and wearing Bills gear.
  17. iconic or ironic
  18. OK negative Nancy Playoffs or Bust Baby!!!
  19. how is that different from last season?
  20. Other than having sex? I didn't engage in much other than dealing with typical kids bickering in the back seat. This was a few decades ago. and before people go off.. how many of your parents drove your family places after having a few drinks at a party or picnic? how many people that don't smoke engage in any other distracting behaviors while driving? TOO FREAKING MANY I'd say over 40 to 60% on my drive to and from work.
  21. produce false statistics 54% of the time they produce them.
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