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Everything posted by BillsFan-4-Ever

  1. I lived around the corner from Lou Gramm's grandmother
  2. she can frisk me all day long
  3. she can share a cell with her brother
  4. in why not? it doesn't matter if they win or lose on the score board. A team wins or loses by how they evaluate their talent and how few injuries they have.
  5. you cancelled and that was part of the mistake... My bill is usually about $160 with all pay packages w/ no extra sports Feb through Aug. DTV ALWAYS adds on the Sunday Ticket Max which you can opt out of. Every August when I go to pay the bill I call them siting $200 is out of my budget etc etc etc I didn't even have to go to customer retention this time. not to repeat my self but Sunday Ticket Max for free, $8/mo off HBO for 6 mo, $12/mo off Cinimax or STARZ for 12 mo, and $20/mo for 12 mo for agreeing to stay a DVT customer for a year . Now Sept to Jan I will be paying $150/mo
  6. again WHY cancel? I have all HBO's, Showtime, Starz ans Skinemax and with the credits I got my bill went down $10/month all it takes is a phone call and 10 to 15 minutes of your time
  7. no offense meant.... it was more to anyone thinking he's the next coming great QB
  8. linky worky for me I saw that .... the sign(age) is being removed
  9. another "product" https://www.yahoo.com/travel/ridiculous-travel-accesories-that-will-c1409151932617.html
  10. nice play on words
  11. true, but it borders on the line of "gun rights" and who should own and be allowed to use them. I agree the instructor should have known better. he won't make that mistake again.... too soon?
  12. yet ....... who's going to fill those shoes in a sequel RIP James
  13. and here we thought you got voted off the island hope all goes well for you
  14. no booger eating co-workers to complain about??? lol
  15. do I really want to look? that wasn't what I expected double wrap that sucker
  16. her idiot parents and the idiot instructor who allowed it morons I wasn't sure if this should have been posted on the PPP or not so I just waited for it to appear
  17. a true Scotsman wears nothing under his kilt
  18. I thought the same.... they claim the fad started in response to the ice bucket. sad story regardless agreed that is way to young for that my 8 and 10 year old neighbors did it the other day
  19. its just practice lets see how he performs against the Lions cubs
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