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Everything posted by BillsFan-4-Ever

  1. if they paid servers more .... would there be a need for tipping? maybe if you went to the same place 2 or 3 times a week you do it because you might get something from the waiter/bartender. as long as the service was half decent as the food I pay 15% typically
  2. sarcasm off / RG demanded film / tape from NE and then after viewing them destroyed the tapes (the thing called Spygate) did he not? RG supposedly had film on a guy asking for "their bounty" with New Orleans for a hit on Favre Why wasn't there a demand for the tape from inside the elevator?
  3. I smoke two joints in the morning I smoke two joints at night
  4. locally? One would assume so, Nationally, you may see snippets throughout the game.
  5. What is wrong with you? A guy knocks out a woman (I don't care what the reason) and initially got 2 games. Roger PRETENDS he's not seen the film. [sarcasm ... who knows the truth?] NOW Rice is suspended indefinitely. A guy smokes a joint or two, doesn't hurt anyone gets penalized worse than someone who the physical attacked someone else! Which violation of NFL policy tarnishes the shield more?
  6. the Bills have numerous options. One option is to list him with specific classification to where he won't get paid. http://espn.go.com/b...nso-on-nfi-list
  7. excellent question for him Do you have a sister, a niece? Any of the above don't deserve to get KO'd by a boyfriend / spouse or in some cases a relative
  8. again Y O U M I S S E D T H E P O I N T HE GOT IT WRONG !!!!!
  9. do we really believe injury reports any more?
  10. http://www.nfl.com/n...new-drug-policy Though all aspects of the negotiation are fluid, there has been basic agreement in other areas: 1) There would be reform in marijuana testing. The threshold for the A sample is expected to be raised from 15ng/ml to match normal workplace standards in other businesses. Also, the first suspension for marijuana would be two games, rather than four the point IS Roger fouled this up from the get go.
  11. not false I estimated game bans due to drugs I didn't estimate the 2 games (Before he was cut by the Ravens AND then suspended indefinitely by the NFL) Wes Welker, who is currently one game into a four-game suspension Josh Gordon is facing a year long suspension for failing a drug test by the slimest of margins If you want to rant BS, then may I suggest that you create a thread in the PPP and post all the liberal hater filled rants you want
  12. enough of the bleeding heart liberal stuff. smoke a joint get suspended for 2 to 4 games. knock a woman unconscious get 2 games? Are you being SERIOUS?
  13. Goodell did this to offset the "feel good" Bills news that [sarc for those who didn't get it] incompetence all around from Spygate through the TUCK and his Bountygate rulings Fire his azz.
  14. Stub Hub had about 300 tickets as of about 12:15 AM ET
  15. Miami Fans October 20, 2013 - Buffalo Bills 23 at Miami Dolphins 21 December 22, 2013 - Miami Dolphins 0 at Buffalo Bills 19 How can yuz guys predict a Miami victory?
  16. 316 tickets available on StubHub
  17. Brady attempted 18 passes thrown at least 15 yards downfield and completed only two. The 16 incompletions on those attempts were the most in game by a passer since 2006.
  18. Flacco passed how many times on Sunday? 62? how many total rushing yds for the team 94? Stillers by 13.
  19. wiggle it just a little bit oh wait .... that's what the law suit is about. never mind
  20. http://www.clemson.edu/campus-life/campus-services/redfern/alcohol/bac.html BAC .40 percent to .50 percent You are probably in a coma. possibility of death starts @ .3 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_alcohol_content
  21. I like 'em rude You can tell by the that isn't feeling well as the end of the rolls around Oh hi hi hey Whatcha got to say? Shout out your orders loud and clear We've got super, regular and large for that extra bit of barge as the end of the rolls around
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