Danny owns 980? 980 is an ESPN affiliate and sister station to 570 hmmm
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WTEM Owner - Red Zebra Broadcasting (sounds right) - Rick Carmean, CEO
Yes, Czabe's Washington DC based national radio show is back on the air locally (for how long who knows) on 570. It was weird for a minute this AM because Mike and Mike was being aired for about 3 to 5 minutes.
You should be able to stream the morning show on YSR I think from your iPhone, and maybe google play?
To answer the main point... Yes, he still rails on Danny when warranted, pondering "who" wants RGIII still in DC and the team quite often as they have been stinking up the joint for the most part.
He's been on a Matt Cassel sucks rant these past 2 days (maybe one day with repeating audio clips) saying the Bills definitely got the better of the deal.
He still maintains that the Bills suck. I can't wait for the game Dec 20th and then maybe the team's play will shut him up.
My neighbor is in the process of getting me 4 club level seats with parking for the game.