shotguns at 3 inches?
you smoke way too much dope, you fall asleep sometimes get
you drink way too much booze, you can die of a number of issues
High blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, liver disease, and digestive problems
there is a reason but I defer from bringing up the subject because people get uppity when they hear the reason.
you'll find the story on the Bills App if you have it.
then I think you need to change the title or be more specific in you definition
when someone says "we need to be a passing team" others will assume that it indicates a pass heavy team.
balance has always been the key,
The Patriots are a passing team. The last time they won a SB they were much more balanced.
IIRC (too lazy to look it up)
Tuck Bowl (2001 season) - the putrids were a balanced team, in 2002 they went away from the run and didn't make the playoffs.
yes the cliche is its a passing league, it makes for excitement. NOT SB wins nor a guarantee to make the playoffs
someone mentioned the back story of Beth Darryl and Carol. it may well be someone new. if the previews I saw of Beth getting slapped around it could well be another unhappy patient.
IMO no we don't.
factoid - in a given season the QB that leads the NFL in passing yards has never won a SB that year.
you need balance and a very good D
another _ _ _ _ _ heard from.
Where have I mentioned EJ in the past 5 days? I have not.
The next time I say EJ should be starting feel free to chime in.
do you also post the same to the others who still think EJ has potential?
I doubt it.
that was my thought as well middle of the night drowsy not thinking straight
I was pissed for being woken up and didn't want to get out of bed having
I traveled all that day with 4 hours of sleep Sun night then Monday
got a phone call in my hotel room at 4AM saying that their computer system failed
they wanted to know my length of stay home address and credit card number.
I said no way I'll come down to the front desk and he said if I did I would have to wait an hour,
offered me 30% room discount . After his 3rd request for the # I said I'm not going to give you my !@#$ing credit card at 4 AM on the phone.
I went down to the desk and they said they had no problem and that I was the second person to make the same complaint.
the hotel is trying to figure out how they were able to bypass the front desk
43 points may not be good enough against the Putrids or Bronco's
I said I was happy for the win. There is much to worry about with the O. If people choose to ignore that fact then you will be in a world of hurt when that issue bites them in the
I wasn't happy with four 3 and outs in the 3rd QTR where teams are supposed to make adjustments and the NYETS brought the game to a 7 points difference
oh come on booboo I've been on and you know it.
if you insist he had what 2 or 3 short field possessions Jets 40 to 50 w/o points?? Two others for 2 FG's
20 pts off 6 turnovers could have been 42
which is nice.... but if they had the lead these game saving drives wouldn't be needed.
that goes for ANY QB.