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Everything posted by BillsFan-4-Ever

  1. I like that guy and missed him when he left.
  2. What does salary have to do with passing yards? Tannehill is a pretty good QB. You don't complete 17 straight on pure luck. Might be one day he'll cross from pretty good into Very Good and or Great. Tyrod has done very well (more often than not) too in the 6 total games he's played. Do you know what strikes me funny - How all of a sudden getting 250 + passing yards per game isn't as important now as compared to last season. (1) One thing I've found rather amusing ... you are like a dog with a bone. You just won't give up on it. Said arguing taught me a lesson. (2) Yes, you have. Too many. You have to accept that everyone has a right to their own opinion and that people do make mistakes. (3) Those negatives you list are important and could become a huge hindrance in his growth an an NFL QB.
  3. DAMN!!! Lets get him in the booth Thursday and Monday night for luck!!
  4. Run the damn ball then throw to Sammy and Clay
  5. So he chose to not commit a penalty by taking him down nnd that momentary lapse of unreason cost him a sack. FWIW Doc - I was curious so I took a look at the stats for the dirty fish N. Suh. It appears he is trying to clean up his act. http://www.nflpenalties.com/team/miami-dolphins?year=2015&view=players Neutral Zone Infraction (3), Defensive Offside (2) - http://www.nflpenalties.com/team/detroit-lions?year=2014&view=players Defensive Offside (4), Roughing the Passer (1), Face Mask (15 Yards) (1), Encroachment (1) http://www.nflpenalties.com/team/detroit-lions?year=2013&view=players Neutral Zone Infraction (2), Defensive Holding (1), Encroachment (1), Defensive Offside (1), Tripping (1), Low Block (1)
  6. EJ did not play Sunday Tyrod did. How about we keep the discussion in line of what happened and not pure speculation. You almost had me convinced until I read this - Compare that to EJ who frequently jeopardizes the health and well-being of his receivers when he throws to them? Seriously? Tyrod NEVER throws to guys over the middle? Tyrod is always on target? Don't fool yourself. As good as Tyrod has been he's not perfect. EJ did not play Sunday Tyrod did. How about we keep the discussion in line of what happened and not pure speculation. 12 passes in a game makes one great and limits the plays that call for a pass over the middle or to the remaining receiving corps. If Tryod was great going 11 of 12 what of Tannehill's 17 straight completions (was it) before the Bills pressure broke through the Miami O line and Ryan finishing with 27 of 36 and 309 yards?
  7. Rick will sure be ticked off if Ron ruins his chance to get lucky. Can't say that I have seen him or even recognized his nondescript character. Deanna is getting it but may also be losing it at the same time
  8. Respect for the Bills?? Shirley you jest. and here I thought you did a poor job on coloring that image of your avatar until I saw it on TV during the game yesterday.
  9. Learn from my mistake (and mistaken intent). I think the other party is MIA again. Has MetzLives been posting? Not to bring up the past but .... didn't EJ get a flag when going to a knee on a similar avoid the sack play?
  10. Duplicate thread. I knew I posted here on Suh playing nice
  11. I must have not clicked submit earlier or is this a dup thread? or ..... It was a sack. Had Suh been typical Suh then Tyrod would have been thrown to the ground and stomped on. Suh gave that inch of protecting the QB and Tyrod took a foot.
  12. just so you are aware Insulting people and calling names can get you 10 days on suspension.
  13. you forgot the Spoiler Alter !! Now why would Aaron suggest to Maggy that his name can be used for either gender? (other than her being able to un-gay Aaron) I would think she’d honor family first. Not sure what Ron’s is but whatever he is planning won’t work out well. I caught him grabbing for his knife when he was looking at Carl. 3 episodes left until the mid season break man time sure does fly. Poor Mullet. He won't get his chance to ungay Tara.
  14. wow. I only reposted their rules. take it up with the Panthers Org. Or a box of Flutie Flakes ala Jimmy "The Hair" Johnson
  15. He's pronouncing the name Beels better
  16. Would you have preferred that Suh have yanked him to the ground and stomped on him instead of showing restraint? This is what happens when you coddle QB's. Give them an inch of extra protection and they take a foot.
  17. unavoidable? I made an observation I am not crucifying him. It's ironic to use "the unnecessary sack" when the biggest play of the game was a ball that he threw away left handed. Is this the play that could have been blown dead by the refs but wasn't? Seriously man. Put the crack pipe down. Tainted Tom and Tyrod Taylor are worlds apart.
  18. Still too early to hear what the media experts say about the QB draft, so far I don't hear a lot one way or the other WRT a must have or a keep away at all costs.
  19. Put down the Canadian wacky tabacy
  20. Hughes flip to the left pays dividends The Buffalo Bills · 9 hours ago
  21. Glad he's still here until he's a Free Agent in 2020 / UFA
  22. unfortunately - Until proven otherwise .... We have to Billieve it to be true
  23. saying that game planning for TT is like that of Tainted Tom is a bit overzealous. a bit fanatical
  24. Some people have / had reservations. Many still have reservations and based on the Bills history with flash in the pan QB's we have every right to be. Many would argue that throwing the ball away to avoid the sack is better than taking a sack. "The guy leads the offense up and down the field" So he's Tom Brady / Drew Brees, Peyton Manning? see above reservations. Happy am I? yes. Sold a bill of goods - not fully. When he wins 4 of the next 4 then you can color me sold. well said.
  25. 17 points allowed isn't too shabby if you look around the league.
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