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Everything posted by BillsFan-4-Ever

  1. jared has "diet" aids fixed it for ya
  2. they never showed Beth being taken. so it is possible that she was being attacked by zombies when they came across her in the road. I found it odd that the walkers were in the hospital "compound" near the cop cars or did I see that incorrectly?
  3. an emotional win in fixboroug its been too long and consistent a streak. the FIX is in up in Fixburough the Refs even threw flags at the Cheaters to make it look fair '' yes, this is pure fantasy, yet it just too hard not to postulate.
  4. Jon Gruden said he would coach for the Raiders given the chance.I think he'll want to stay out west where it is warmer
  5. so in a "passing league" for KC you are saying - Less is More
  6. what was annoying .. ONLY during the show did they advertise this AMC Sounds Alarm About DirecTV Tussle During ‘Walking Dead’ Episode not 1 minute before or 1 minute after
  7. LOL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5t0v5FIbb68&feature=youtu.be
  8. can't find the post, but someone said if Orton had played in Houston the game the Bills would be 6-2. what I think was more the likely event if that were the case JJ Watt would have put a big hurting on the immobile Orton.
  9. its week 9. Keep worrying about the playoffs and you will end up with ulsers
  10. You do the same damn thing you did the last 3 times you beat them!!! in
  11. if at first you don't succeed (dieting) try again. maybe the food in jail will help with their diet.
  12. if she was attractive and not psycho I'd say go for it. but you'll probably find her picture next to the word deranged in the dictionary
  13. The return of Beth Nice backstory so far Daryl's unknown comrade is still unknown. Is Carol faking her injury? The sleazoid cop got what was due to him. Lollipop Lollipop suck on that beeatch The B word cop Dawn will get her due too. She will "owe" Beth a beating or 2.
  14. John, you are talking to the sky is falling crowd. The D is set, and the obvious weakness the O Line. so who do they draft for? you nailed it. stay off the draft a QB early ****.
  15. it was food for thought WEO. nothing more
  16. the 12 "man" needs to wear Rodney Dangerfield masks on Sunday v the Chefs (spelled wrong on purpose)
  17. Miami's crushing of SD was impressive, as was the NE win. but they fell flat on the following games. Last week it took turnovers on D for them to beat the Jaguars so it comes down to which team the Bills face in 10 - 11 days from what I heard the Browns snuck out a win ... so I'm still concerned, but not worried,
  18. http://espn.go.com/nfl/standings/_/type/playoffs/sort/conferenceRank/order/false too many scenarios to consider......
  19. watching NASA Unexplained files this AM ... Space Squid http://beforeitsnews...ph-2452270.html NASA photograph of a solar transit by a Giant Space Squid and the Space Shuttle Atlantis (May 12, 2009). FWIW it is located on the NASA Ames Research Center's grounds ... why rebuild when you can just move in.
  20. re relearning It can happen..... Peyton Manning Had To Relearn How To Throw A Football In 2011, And He Says It Made Him Even Better Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/peyton-manning-fundamentals-2014-10#ixzz3HuxQXP2L please don't go off saying that I am comparing EJ to PM
  21. good teams the odds are stacked against the Bills Bronco's, Packers, Putrids. 50-50 maybe 60 - 40 Bills favor Browns, KC, I'll even throw in Miami gimmies Raiders and NYETS
  22. +1 Sammy is key to the offense. Compared to SJ13 it is my recollection that he's had fewer drops and penalties due to dumbazz showboating!!! Lose Sammy and we loose all of his spectacular YAC. IMO thinking EJ will lose games just because he's in there is unwarranted. it's not like he's 1-7 in his last 8 games. compared to you know who. hint the guy in green some others wanted over EJ.
  23. the last 2 drives by the Bills up by 2 or more scores I have no issue with. the 3rd quarter bore fest I do have an issue with.
  24. a positive EJ thread turns to a negative thread. it's 30 extra minutes after the normal practice the O this season is different from the O last season fast paced to a normal pace .. one big plus SJ13 v SW14
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