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Everything posted by BillsFan-4-Ever

  1. You're an idiot for saying Your and idiot!
  2. can we hire a Bills friendly crew? if it exists?
  3. bold words from someone with 5 posts care to break down your meaning in 1 paragraph? I got lost in the 2nd one...
  4. If EJ fails, the Bills get a higher draft pick. The new staff would appreciate the effort. If EJ actually has improved ..... it's a Win Win no? Which makes it all the better to see if EJ has the right stuff. Either way I don't see the Bills winning against 2 those of 3.. I'm holding out the GB has a lapse oh and if you are worried about Oakland.... wow ye of little faith
  5. to be honest... I'll take Beast Mode if available
  6. YES see Jeff Hostetler if you are asking me if Orton can do it I say doubtful
  7. look at the FREE publicity their negative comments are giving them
  8. and when they can stop them I'll be happy
  9. 8 as it is an improvement over the last 4 to 6 years
  10. When Orton can A) lead the O to score either 1 TD or multiple FG's per QTR or I'll even accept B) long drive, score, punt, long drive, score, punt NOT long drive, score, punt, punt, punt, punt, short field score, punt, punt, short field score, punt, punt I will stop complaining about him.
  11. Once the Bills are officially eliminated from the P word EJ goes back in. We all can see what Orton is. A 10 year pro who can play well, but not enough to climb to the upper ranks of the NFL TROLLS please do not respond. It is my opinion not yours. If EJ continues to play bad then OBD knows it has to search for the next QB in 2015
  12. as much as a homer as I am ..... I will believe it when I see it. Lets deal with Miami first. the winner tonight stands a chance of a WC, the looser drops significantly.
  13. I care what the team does and not what a bunch of yahoos say.
  14. what happened to the fast paced O they tried last season and gave up on? Mr Butt Fumble has played 1 game. Can we wait a few more before anointing him (again) as great
  15. @ home w/my DVR - for those in Va, WV, MD, and DE area https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=zMxjasq7NWlI.k9PKvKe_wCKA&ie=UTF8&oe=UTF8&msa=0
  16. I'll help. I don't see much wrong with her body even at a "size" 10
  17. from when I lived there ... Denton - one of the towns (non dry counties) where you can buy booze. it sucked having to drive from Allen to Denton for a bottle of booze. Beer was easier as the store in town was grandfathered in. Drive up chug away!
  18. so you have been banned for being what?
  19. INdeed there are blowouts, but that really has little to do with scheduling. You never know who the top to bottoms or bottom to top teams will be. Look at the TNF games. IIRC 4 of the first 5 were blowouts. that trend may still be ongoing
  20. Orton has not been good in the red zone these past 2 weeks. and yes I will refer to 4 drives in the NYETS game where they could not score a TD. you can search for the thread where it was asked was 20 points of 6 turnovers enough or too little
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