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Everything posted by BillsFan-4-Ever

  1. she's a hollywood flop media whore with boobs and an azz that should be hidden , A narcissist to the extreme but I guess form you Doc I shouldn't have expected different I can see most of the cosmetic changes, but how does she grow all that hair?
  2. no but Orton was
  3. the loss outweighs most other news. well except the Buffalo news and D&C calling for EJ again. and if you look here http://www.twobillsdrive.com/ you will see some news articles. fractures ankle - out for the season IMO
  4. the whole thread is wrong. Marone has gone for it on 4th down and when it failed he's a looser.....
  5. 3 wordsNO Fracking Way if you want a trade with Cleveland go for Hoyer over johnny fut ball
  6. he's a non EJ fan. so be patient with the snarky remarks.
  7. the Orton experiment failed and now the EJ non fans are grumbling 3 % chance of playoffs and back to maybe next season
  8. FWIW, I have most of those picks in my weekly pool.
  9. Kudo's to him for that game.
  10. I put it down to teams having current game film to study and too many passes for a guy who can only stand in the pocket because he can't mover well. boggling is the 6 ypc on the ground. but how does one disguise the run game? other than faking it?
  11. The Smoking Man. I think soWilliam B. Davis alive and breathing per wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_B._Davis
  12. this may hurt . No, I'll not sugar coat it. This will hurt. Rob Johnson has a Super Bowl ring and a playoff WIN On Week 17 (December 29), with a first-round playoff bye on the line, Johnson led the Buccaneers to five field goals against the Chicago Bears for the franchise's first-ever victory when the kickoff temperature was below freezing. * * side note to the home field advantage thread. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rob_Johnson_%28American_football%29
  13. How is that any different than the pro Orton people with their own schtick?Well at least some of them are slowly realizing Orton is flopping and are open to the change. IMO it's closer to the truth. Actually it is the truth So for clarity where exactly do you stand? Also, If there weren't dozens of Orton threads. I wouldn't have to repeat myself so many times.
  14. damn natural grass in Miami. When I saw the way he was bent over. it looked painful.
  15. Now I'm even more depressed!!
  16. now it's stuck in my head .. Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose, And feeling good was easy, Lord, when he sang the blues, You know feeling good was good enough for me, Good enough for me and my Bobby McGee. La la la, la la la la, la la la, la la la la La la la la la Bobby McGee. La la la la la, la la la la la La la la la la, Bobby McGee, la. not that bad though
  17. not a fan, I'll just move to cheering for the Saints, Colts and Bronco's
  18. OMG I didn't pay attention to the last bit until just not I had to keep putting the remote down so I didn't throw it.
  19. music soothes the savage beast(s) that last nights game created
  20. great odds !!! wait is that 3 % chance the Bills get the 1 draft pick? [ I jest ]
  21. You put EJ in and see what happens. If he doesn't stinks up the joint then you get the objective you posted about. after last night, even the Raiders game looks to be too tough to win!!!
  22. Not sure if this deserves it own thread... but on the topic of Fat Azzes Is anyone else sick to death of Kim Kardashian and here "nude" fatass twitts? since the matter is NSFW or TBD I won't post the ugliness (which promotes the )
  23. BUMP Does anyone care to recast their vote?
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