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Everything posted by BillsFan-4-Ever

  1. Rex scheduled for Thursday in Buffalo. The Bills have a D. They need an offensive minded HC
  2. better to know sooner than it is to not know at all
  3. guess those bodies decomposed faster than the mob thought they would
  4. just like you did loser ------------ getting the most recent posts seems to be lagging in the refresh department
  5. you were probably 12 years old when I created that name ------------ BillsFanForEver just doesn't cut it. ---------- do your beerball(s) rub together when you walk? try these I'm not great at instant insults. sorry
  6. welcome to the idiots club edited Captain Obvious is that better or do I need to explain further? besides I'm slow.
  7. isn't that the norm? insulting people? edited Captain Obvious
  8. no but you'd have to bring the lube
  9. maybe you should of limited it to top 10 Canadian posters (if that many exist) :D
  10. the one in blue sure,
  11. I've been wondering .... does it go even back to the EJ signing? Why take a rookie and try ti implement a fast paced hurry-up offense and then when he's healthy again the next season scrap the whole idea? glad hes gone and we can move on and make smarter decisions. like the saying goes... loosely transcribed once you consider retirement your as good as retired. its in your head that the exit is a short time ahead of you and you think of it and not truly in succeeding!
  12. 50? I thought it was a 300 mile limit
  13. away from PPP eh you aint so bad.
  14. not a problem I have a habit of doing the same from work
  15. keep voting for Sammy http://www.nfl.com/voting/rookies/2014/YEAR/0
  16. If you read the headlines, Whaley is talking to candidates to develop EJM seen in Buff news it was said that during interviews Whaley not only has spoken in glowing terms about Manuel, he also has made it clear he wants the new coach to make the progress in developing Manuel that Marrone and his staff failed to make http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/bills-nfl/whaley-talking-up-manuel-in-coach-interviews-20150106 and on NFL.com Report: Bills GM Whaley wants next coach to develop Manuel
  17. huh? the Pegulas had nothing to do with the contract!! Marone walked out of Syracuse as well.. coincidence or pattern?
  18. FWIW according to this tread. It aint gonna happen forcibly at least http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/eye-on-football/24939058/redskins-giants-among-9-nfl-teams-eligible-for-2015-hard-knocks The Giants, Redskins, Browns, Texans, Jaguars, Titans, Vikings, Buccaneers and Rams are all eligible to be compelled by the league to participate because they don't meet any of the three criteria Here's the rest of the teams are exempt from being forced to appear on the show: Playoffs Last Two Years: Patriots, Steelers, Bengals, Ravens, Colts, Broncos, Chargers, Chiefs, Cowboys, Eagles, Packers, Lions, Panthers, Saints, Seahawks, Cardinals New Head Coach: Bills, Jets, Raiders, Bears, 49ers, Falcons
  19. so an NSFW warning should be posted
  20. the contract was made well before the Pegula's were in the picture.
  21. apologies if already posted http://espn.go.com/blog/nflnation/post/_/id/157681/making-sense-of-bills-exhaustive-coaching-search the video mentions Quinn
  22. I hear you. but they have to be "cute" feet. there are some that "fit" just right and some that are fugly
  23. which goes back to my point on how they both f'd it up. They allowed the rookie to say what he wanted and didn't reign him in. and I do agree the natural grass field in DC/MD sucks big time not really. its been long enough and Chris has really trashed the team because they SUCK lots of DC commuters., Lovettsville to Mclean on a good day is 55 minutes. I miss Czaban in the morning 6:30 to 8:00 drive. I leave at 4 PM, so I get at least 1 good hour of "The Drive". I do wish they would cover more of the NFL and not just be the home town show.
  24. quite a few actually https://images.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search;_ylt=A0LEV7hCJaxUe0gAgyEPxQt.?p=feet+car+window&fr=&fr2=piv-web&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-001
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