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Everything posted by BillsFan-4-Ever

  1. I heard that a few days ago and posted it. I've heard the audio where Tom said [laugh] that's the most ridiculous thing ..... Liar liar
  2. one other point I would like to make There is only 1 team that has been "superior" in the past 15 years in the NFL.... no one wants to question how that happened? ... See the hottest topic and one of the hottest trending items #shrinkage and #Deflategaste
  3. when I went to look for it and posted .... you beat me to it. missed by that much Goodell wants to be quick and decisive when players break the NFL code of conduct, TICK TOCK Roger times a wasting
  4. http://www.inquisitr.com/1777297/proof-of-alien-ufo-cover-up-nasa-accused-of-deleting-earth-orbiting-ufo-from-apollo-mission-space-photo/ idiots zoomed in but missed on the circle
  5. If the reports are true both the NFL and Boob Kraft are pissed. http://profootballta...partner=ya5nbcs Robert Kraft has called Bill Belichick a “schmuck” for past sins It’s implausible that Belichick himself did anything to 11 of the 12 balls, just as it’s implausible anything happens in that building without him knowing it. And whether the inflation of the ball had a tangible effect on the outcome of the game or not, the image of impropriety might be as important to the league. And given Kraft’s loyalty to commissioner Roger Goodell, it’s worth monitoring the stance he takes on this situation as well.
  6. if you make it a heavy fine then justice is served and other teams leery of repeating the same mistake. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/01/22/robert-kraft-has-called-bill-belichick-a-schmuck-for-past-sins/?ocid=Yahoo&partner=ya5nbcs Robert Kraft has called Bill Belichick a “schmuck” for past sins It’s implausible that Belichick himself did anything to 11 of the 12 balls, just as it’s implausible anything happens in that building without him knowing it. And whether the inflation of the ball had a tangible effect on the outcome of the game or not, the image of impropriety might be as important to the league. And given Kraft’s loyalty to commissioner Roger Goodell, it’s worth monitoring the stance he takes on this situation as well. John Madden: Blame Tom Brady for deflated footballshttp://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/01/21/john-madden-blame-tom-brady-for-deflated-footballs/
  7. sorry but I'm too lazy to read the 20 pages since I left off yesterday Did Ravens tip off the Colts? http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/did-ravens-tip-off-colts-about-patriots-deflating-balls--021046443.html
  8. We all know it's skirting the rules in every way they can.
  9. enjoy the puppy bowl or Lingerie Bowl then
  10. If the reports are true both the NFL and Boob Kraft are pissed. IMPEACH Bellyache and suspend Brady for 5 games starting today! 50% or slightly more than whatever amount they did to Washington and Oakland
  11. The truth is this. We won't know until EJ is given the reigns for the season. Why don't you haters create a thread? The official EJ Haters thread. then you whiners can go there and complain all you want and not bother those who think EJ wasn't given a fair chance due to the HC that just quit and feel 14 games is not a proper measuring stick.
  12. Who wants the balls deflated?? The QB. Suspend Brady from the SB. Will they blame the ball boy for not doing what Tome liked? was he trying to sabotage Brady? puhlease Not just no but Hell No Polls BWAAA HAHAHAHAHAHAHaahahah I looked at 2 polls the other day ESPN.com poll results --- 75% Putrids winning the SB. NFL.com poll results --- 65% Seahawks winning the SB.
  13. Q: What do you know about the deflated balls A: [grumble] we're on to Seattle Q: You really had no idea of the deflated balls A: [grumble] deflate this
  14. now if only the Rwingers would give up ragging on Benghazi
  15. I must be goINg INsane I was sure I commented on this exact same topic re ESPN ahhh duplicate thread
  16. the Refs inspect the balls before the game and IF they exceed 13.5 PSI then deflate them Rodgers likes his hard
  17. INdeed. I suggested as much in the other 2 or 3 Cheatriots threads New England Patriots caught deflating game balls Name the taint*riots scandal there's 2
  18. what do you expect from me I'm an idiot not a physicist
  19. also why only the Delfatriots 11 of 12 balls and not the Colts?
  20. Goodell likes his balls soft when he cups them
  21. it is the balls are required to be inflated between 12.5 and 13.5 pounds per square inch and weigh between 14 and 15 ounces.
  22. not allowing him ... doesn't that mean they want to keep him, ergo he's respected?
  23. that's Aaron and not Brady. 11 balls exactly 2 pounds under regulation. no way in hell that's a coincidence!! DC Tom's a physicist lets ask him the odds of that happening
  24. yes they are. How many are there I dunno but they are marked with a K for use in "testing" like using your buddies urine in a pee test
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