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Everything posted by BillsFan-4-Ever

  1. lets hope your bones are lying to you!!!
  2. because he's an NFL goes radio silent regarding #DeflateGate Early in the life of #DeflateGate, the process had more leaks than a guy on the brink of 50 who drank too much water too close to going to bed.
  3. NFL goes radio silent regarding #DeflateGate Early in the life of #DeflateGate, the process had more leaks than a guy on the brink of 50 who drank too much water too close to going to bed.
  4. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=cheatriots cheatriots https://sp.yimg.com/ib/th?id=HN.608023458080295354&pid=15.1&P=0
  5. Like using magnets in the ball and their gloves?
  6. newbie use the search function this has been discussed IN numerous threads
  7. I believe the balls "weigh" 14 to 16 ounces. Some non football people can tell a weight difference of 2 ounces There have been dozens of former QB's asked this question. The majority of then say that one can tell the difference and insist Brady is lying. These same balls are used by Brady to practice with on the sideline.. Where's the Heat of the moment there? who knows it might actually turn people away. Who won't watch ? the average joe who has no interest. The people who might tune in otherwise - those who very much dislike the Cheatriots. IMO if the NFL wants increased viewership... bench Brady and then see how well the Cheatriots do,
  8. I agree 100%. If you are that good and can run up the score [by cheating?] why do you need to take every opportunity to bend the rules? Yes their trickery probably helped defeat the Ravens. The Colts were outclassed after being down only 10 points at the half..
  9. YET the guy who intercepted him could?
  10. that's one of the main staples in Naples NY Naples Grape Festival, Naples NY
  11. INdeed u beat me to it Should we sign DeMarco Murray?
  12. I saw that on my phone but couldn't find it once I got on the PC this was in the Off The Wall folder (my assumption) to just be a fun place to trash Tom some admin must have moved it over
  13. Under his oversized ski cap, Tom Brady could not hide from the fact he was convicting himself in the court of public opinion. The quarterback of the New England Patriots admitted that footballs pumped up to 12.5 pounds per square inch are "a perfect fit for me," yet swore he did not notice a difference in the AFC Championship Game when most of the balls had significantly less pressure. "I would never do anything outside of the rules of play," Brady said. http://espn.go.com/new-york/nfl/story/_/id/12213363/tom-brady-tale-hold-weight
  14. unbearable does a man in the alley while texting?
  15. didn't he say he plays with integrity? Was it integrity when he kneed the Ravens player and got a $10K fine? "I would never do anything outside of the rules of play," - Tom Brady. http://espn.go.com/new-york/nfl/story/_/id/12213363/tom-brady-tale-hold-weight
  16. how he likes no one to touch his perfect balls after he scuffs them up.
  17. Sorry I don't want to get any warning points Choc cream followed by my wife's cherry Apple pie
  18. We’re going to bring guys in to compete with EJ (Manuel) and Jeff Tuel and see what happens.” nuf said (EJ detractors)
  19. I made the list WOOO HOOO!!! You can add a few more today from Tom Brady YOU
  20. I see this got moved from Off The Wall I can't get these to vine links run in the post the balls are perfect ..."I don't want anyone rubbing them" - Tom Brady on his balls https://vine.co/v/OIdLY1zKjvX Some guys like old balls .... https://vine.co/v/OIdEMAunxQn I don't want anyone rubbing them http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/01/22/tom-brady-deflategate_n_6526778.html
  21. Forfeit of the game to Indy will never happen Suspend both liars from the SB
  22. Yes - JET Moynahan Introducing John Edward Thomas Moynahan
  23. so is her son John Edward Thomas Moynahan http://www.csnne.com/blog/patriots-talk/patriots-believe-belichick-not-involved-deflategate?p=ya5nbcs&ocid=yahoo Patriots believe Belichick not involved with Deflategate :rolleyes: Inside the walls of Gillette Stadium, Patriots players believe their coach.
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