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Everything posted by BillsFan-4-Ever

  1. Don't hate him. Just peeved that he was such an azz in Buffalo. Is it me or is the dude getting uglier by the day?
  2. Dear Tom, I am sorry that this happened to you. 'All-American Boy' Tom Brady Once Got Locked In Locker In High School
  3. I read something in Fortune Mag that indicated how both Bellyache and Brady were lying. Smile, joked but no emotional pissyness with being accused of wrongdoing!
  4. a big chunk of the cost is the trip out and then add on labor. My AC blew a capacitor on the external fan assembly and it cost me just under $300. $130 just to make the trip to my house.
  5. Dear Robert Kraft, Please apologize to us for Aaron Hernandez murder convistions Please apologize to us for Nicholas Kaczur - arrested for drug trafficing turned snitch and ..... Patriots receiver Julian Edelman arrested for indecent... New England Patriots Mascot Arrested in Sex Sting | Fox...
  6. a quick dip in nitrogen bath in the toilet tank!!!
  7. correct the shrinkage had no impact other than it broke the rules. What I see here is a bunch of Bills fans having a bit of fun trashing their despised rivals.
  8. Sure, one could get a gauge to "close" at the intended weight. Czaban on DC radio did a test during his show Thursday or Friday and it only took a fraction of a second to lower the PSI from 13 to 11.5. If this were a normal rest room... Swap out the balls hidden in the drop ceiling or a cabinet (under the floor) is a much more reasonable task than deflating 12 balls, NEW RULES The game balls shall not leave the possession of the Referees hence forth. and to be honest LET all the balls be brand new. Neither team should have the ability to touch the balls before a game. No scuffing, no soaking etc etc
  9. sure why not .... up until the 2 minute before the half and end of the 4th. then you don't get penalized!!! It's what the rules state. ;) Skittles, chunk of grass, fingers to the throat, hit to the groin (why he grabs 'em) ......
  10. Item # 1 - it is forbidden to type Pats* w/o the asterisk 90 seconds in hell.. no way to deflate them all to the measured values in that time FACT - the balls got deflated under the watch of the Putrids The NFL has to find a smoking gun other than the potty break and or make the Putrids come up with a rational explanation how it happened. If they can't then they get punished. wouldn't video also record the second person on the grassy knoll entering before and exiting after. Come on people MAKE the theories reasonable!!!
  11. damn it now I can't get that song out of my head .. We've got the softest ball of them all!!
  12. LOVE IT :thumbsup: No it's not. That doesn't mean we can't have fun and run with conspiracy theories. Like swapping 1 bag of balls for another.
  13. Ball Boy confession get the F out of my face and go play for the Raiders LOL
  14. there is at least 2 threads covering this topic
  15. we can only hope!!!
  16. the truth? and not white wash feel good story
  17. Why the need for a 2nd Bellyache news conference ?? Belichick then decided to hold another press conference on Jan. 24 to again deny what he had already denied once -- being involved in Deflategate. http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/eye-on-football/24997090/report-nfl-has-zeroed-in-on-person-of-interest-in-deflateglate Why did a Putrid employee have possession of the Colts Game balls? How long before they burn the tape?
  18. So Robert..... Why the need for a 2nd Bellyache news conference ?? Belichick then decided to hold another press conference on Jan. 24 to again deny what he had already denied once -- being involved in Deflategate. http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/eye-on-football/24997090/report-nfl-has-zeroed-in-on-person-of-interest-in-deflateglate
  19. that could do, easier than climbing up Jerry Rice: Asterisk if Patriots win Super Bowl :worthy:
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