depending on how you view it.
Deflategate WRT fumbles is a factor in every game for the past 7+ seasons, pumping in crowd noise is akin the "technical" difficulties to visiting teams in NE* marginally 8 per season.
Deflategate is not about passing. It's more to do with ball control. SEE Fumble stats on the Putrids.
(A) Tom Brady and P Manning lobbied the NFL to lower the ball PSE.
(B) Tom Brady lobbied the NFL to have visiting teams control their own balls in games (~2006)
Since said time period (B) the Putrids fumble #'s dropped (not pun intended) considerable and by far outdistance the next team with fewest dropped balls.
there is no such thing as a coincidence
If you can't tell the difference in the maturity of those 2 players you are
1) also in need of help
2) just trolling for attention
boozing and snorting coke... Are you hoping that he'll turn into another Orton?
On behalf of Johnny and his family, we're asking for privacy until he rejoins the team in Cleveland.
Aint gunna happen
for the most part I agree. I did find 4 I enjoyed,
Skittles Arm wrestling Liam Neeson - Revenge - Clash of Clans
Lost puppy but that was basically the same as last year.... Dorito's Rocket Pig