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Everything posted by BillsFan-4-Ever

  1. and he's be the goat (bahhh) and not the GOAT.
  2. meh. not interested in knowing this
  3. he gambled and won. he could have just as easily lost. just a Carrol gambled in not running that play faster than he did. he gambled that Belicheat would call a TO he lost
  4. HalftimeAdjustment ..... isn't that what they did with the balls? lol
  5. define tampering? scuffs & scrapes, soaked in water for rainy weather? Do they bring balls into the game that are not up to NFL standards?
  6. how does one make this determination? least fewest injuries? best 40 times? data from those little GPS gadgets they wore in training / practice?
  7. every team takes what advantage they can. Crown noise is cheating but IMO less serious than tampering with a football IF in fact it lowers their chances of fumbling. Hiding their face when calling in signals .... done every game because that's what all teams do. genius or not using seldomly used formations then running it again illegally (on purpose) is stretching it to far. And YES, if the Bills did it and got caught I'd trash them too. I would also expect the NFL to be harsher on the Bills that the Cheatriots based on history yes, it could be jealousy, or envy. but enough is enough
  8. LOL now we know where the signs come from TB sits when he pees.
  9. Dinner is coming! Game of Thrones restaurant opens
  10. there was a link for the first 2 minutes of the show. but the internet @ work is wonky and I can't find the story on Yahoo again.
  11. Captain Obvious says 1 but .....
  12. listen to two buffoons talk about the tat change mediocrity? Well I think the 2 fools are the definition of mediocrity http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=12273134
  13. all I am saying is I wouldn't pay for sex. Nor do I go around cheating on my wife. nothing more.... Yes, cheating can be very costly and ruinous to ones family. I've seen it as well with friends / associates.
  14. it's probably been posted ... http://buffalo.suntimes.com/buf-sports/7/116/69913/buffalo-bills-darrelle-revis Revis is set to become a free agent next season as long as the Patriots are unwilling to move on the $20 million option in his contract which I doubt they would do at that price
  15. do you think Cinderfella is ever tested for PHD? how can one be on an injury report for 16 of 18/19 weeks per season for the past 10 seasons?
  16. Gronk is the Class Clown but he keeps it under control. (as far as I can tell) as compared to JF
  17. well they could be a different kind of "performer"
  18. https://autos.yahoo.com/news/stig-wife-her-little-red-corvette-190051573.html I wouldn't care if she's a buttaface
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