The running game was "half as productive" because King Orton was slinging it too much!
often that's because he's trying to play catch up after an all too ofter half dozen 3 & outs!
He won't listen. don't He'll argue King Orton had more passing yards ergo he's better than EJ.
and the offense regressed 4 places after September in 2014
wait for it ....
like that 1 playoff game really matters? The Browns have been in worse shape as the Bills.
Just because people like to pee on the Bills doesn't mean they ARE the worse team
compare these
9-7, 6-10, 6-10, 6-10, 4-12,6-10 & 7-9
7-9, 4-12, 5-11, 4-12, 5-11, 5-11, 4-12,
Sorry but the Bills have a better overall record
how many other Publicity Stunts have the Kardashians pulled off?
he's had plastic surgery that is not at all flattering. I've wouldn't doubt it that a gossip magazine started this whole thing
win or lose 4 in a row ... you can't beat that.
funny with the above list people will include Marino and ignore Kelly.
beyond that
Joe Montana
Pees When Sits has had too many cheating scandals, Tuck Rules and REF favoritism to rate the Greatest of All Time
Damn I did it again misread a post (or did I )
NFL Network's Ian Rapoport said only one of the Patriots' 12 game footballs was two pounds under the minimum of 12.5 pounds per square inch (PSI). The report said 11 were under 12.5 PSI but many were "just a few ticks under the minimum."
The NFL has found that 11 of the New England Patriots' 12 game balls were inflated significantly below the NFL's requirements, league sources involved and familiar with the investigation of Sunday's AFC Championship Game told ESPN.
just under to me isn't defined as significantly below
The NFL needs to release the report.
"Several" other balls were found to be roughly one pound under-inflated, and "several more" were either right at, or barely beneath, the correct inflation mark.
true, but are those pressures within regulation? If they are its legal. If they are not well then as I stated. its cheating.
don't hold your breath on any penalties for a few weeks.
The Falcons will get fined before the Putrids
post the link to the 1 deflated ball please. otherwise I'm sticking with the 11 of 12 posted stories.