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Everything posted by BillsFan-4-Ever

  1. her Goth look wasn't that bad and yes
  2. agreed. RGIII doesn't even know what type of QB he is. RGII is on his shoulder shoving him into some type of action. Anyone in the DC area who listens to local AM sports radio can tell you similar. IIRC The Skins had to stop allowing RGII from attending daily practices.
  3. they let the monster (RGIII) out of the box and now they can't get it back under control
  4. FWIW Chris Cooley stated on the radio that RGIII will be the starting QB for the Redskins in 2015
  5. you really want us to answer that? damn, now you have me thinking if I do it any differently!
  6. 'Ecstatic' Sherman welcomes 'disciplined' son
  7. Haley: Four rings tainted for 'cheat' Brady
  8. Haley: Four rings tainted for 'cheat' Brady
  9. my momma raised me to be a good Catholic what can I say God rest her soul . Would I like to see Gronk play for Buffalo, YES, but I'd still like him to act like an adult. Blount: I 'respect' Lynch despite crude shirt
  10. she posted her pic We can state an opinion if we think she's attractive or not. if she hadn't posted I just F#$KED Julian Edleman people's opinion might not be as bad as they are. Oh and if she were my daughter .... I'd not be very proud.
  11. it was a parade for the fans of NE* not a drunken Frat Party Yes, I would still say the Bills players should show some class. see above. No some wouldn't Johnny Football is a partying guy, but it's OK for Gronk and the rest of the Cheatriots to act like azzes?
  12. Since you mention it. Blount could have looked at it and put it away. The Gronk thing to me is bordering on too rude for events like this where children attend. Pubic drunkenness and rude gestures should not be tolerated. A "good" drunk is still a drunk. Allowing it to happen is also classless. Kraft and Belicheat should have told the players to show some restraint.
  13. whatever happened to the law about posting someones picture w/o their permission?
  14. regardless Both actions were classless. No one forced him to display the shirt. Did M Lynch say or post anything nasty about the Cheatriots? If so please post a link
  15. yeah that relic McCain was a total disaster 8 years ago. No one could be drier than Mitt I could go on but Please keep the politics to the PPP
  16. saying or tweeting trash talk is one thing. making Tee Shirts is another BTW.... Beast Mode didn't lose the game for them.
  17. in case you didn't see it in the Gronk thread... I fixed it for you
  18. I could part with McLovin and CJ in a trade. Like it or not EJ is the best QB the Bills have and the prospects out there are not great. I'd rather have the devil you know than the one you don't.
  19. Beerball how dare you question The Legend of Kiko!!! shame on you!!
  20. hey now..... lets not get any ideas. besides I don't want Johnny Rehab.
  21. A deflated football! Apparently many think he's hot. He likes to wear kitten outfits and has 6 pack abs. Here being drunk and acting the fool he's not looking handsome.
  22. Rex most always guaranteed playoffs or critical wins. In the Bills news conference Rex ONLY guaranteed he would do his best to get the Bills to the playoffs
  23. well said. +1 I'd say welcome aboard but it looks like you've been a member for a while
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