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Everything posted by BillsFan-4-Ever

  1. Bruce Jenner Crash Fatality Victim Identified as the Kardashians' Neighbor Kim Howe
  2. Advice for the Next Daily Show Host: Forget About Fox News But the comedy never stops at FAUX News The FAUXers are now saying Obama should act like the 3 main dictators openly against Isis. Two of which are Muslim
  3. pocket pool. all that friction POOF
  4. Little snow, but we are getting rain. Mother Nature is letting Boston know what if feels about Cheating in the NFL
  5. I wouldn't call that funny. Even the creator of the universe has a sense of humor
  6. I did? in those exact words? Please quote it. by saying If Americans got shots for their kids only the foreigners would get sick. isn't a guarantee of anything. Why bother. You won't listen to reason. stupidity I guess..
  7. heard the book is poorly written and the movie to be worse. LOL
  8. agreed. I'm not sure I'd like JJ to be host.
  9. Mess with the Bull you get the horns
  10. Brian Williams Suspended: Celebrities React on Twitter
  11. well lets see if this is just as funny. Tom Brady Describes What It's Like Waking Up to Gisele Bundchen After Super Bowl XLIX Win
  12. Manning is all but done in his career. It's sink or swim time for EJ. If he can't get it done then the Bills can move on to a different young QB.
  13. Tic Toc ... Still waiting Roger...... Mr Fast Acting Commish
  14. as it was blacked out ---- hanging with the wife, kids and sister-in laws family tossing a few beers whining about the blackout. the following night (Monday?) I went to a bar to watch a VRC tape of the game.
  15. ^ That ^ that too (which is basically the same point) No trolling please. Please post that in the EJ haters I mean detractors thread.
  16. Not a solid yes nor a hell no. I'll give it a maybe
  17. Neither are condoms but people use them. Neither is the pill but women use them. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. BTW When it is referenced to secure the borders .... the majority of people think / refer to Mexico not Canada,
  18. The ESPiN poll What do you think of the Bills signing Richie Incognito? 57% -Good move
  19. When Obama sends out the troops call me. Until then it's all a bunch of political BS.
  20. Why not say abroad and not just Open Boarders? Most young children are vaccinated against measles. But outbreaks still occur in the United States, usually when travelers pick up the virus abroad and then spread it among unvaccinated people here. Read more: http://uk.businessinsider.com/the-measles-outbreak-that-started-at-disneyland-is-spreading-to-the-general-public-2015-1?r=US#ixzz3RNG6uD00 If Americans got shots for their kids only the foreigners would get sick.
  21. I amended my coarse words. My apologies.
  22. If I falsely accused I apologize.. The Republican Elected officials that I saw and heard (early on) say don't do it. Yet they have all of their children immunized. Why? The Republican loudmouths are Glenn Beck et el Pardon the Salon link ---- http://www.salon.com/2015/02/05/fox_news_throws_paul_and_christie_overboard_on_vaccines_gop_nuts_go_too_far_even_for_the_propagandists/ Cristie and Rand Paul may be the lone holdout(s) . it is possible that they changed their stance
  23. If you are that F-ing stupid then maybe someone DOES need to give them a kick in the right direction. Validity not proven Republican loudmouth saying don't get the shots...... Of those who responded all of them have their children immunized.
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