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Everything posted by BillsFan-4-Ever

  1. According to the Mullet that are getting faster!!! :lol:
  2. (I hope) That ship has sailed off into retirement.
  3. those spoiled
  4. Does Jon or John actually Produce the show? And IF they use Daily Show material half the work is done.
  5. Part II for those at the game. How many left in the 3rd QTR only to return and try to get back in? (climb the fence before they reopened the gates) per my ex-brother-in-law
  6. Monday through Thursday Oliver could do the Daily show and On Sunday do the raunchy Week in Review version of the Daily show.
  7. So you support taking these pictures? amazing...
  8. I thought you conservatives didn't like FOX News? why defend them so aggressively? What lies? Should I have said Half Truths? u funny /not but this is "So If I'm Understanding This Correctly, ...The Paragons Of Leadership Are A King, A Military Dictator, And A Power-Crazed Wannabe Czar" http://mediamatters.org/video/2015/02/11/the-daily-show-trashes-fox-news-strange-obsessi/202482
  9. was this discussed IN here Dareus car race trial set for May 19 ???
  10. what's wrong with Allison? I'd post the down and dirty scene from Girls but ..... that would be against the rules So why doesn't anyone from FAUX news get fired for telling lies?
  11. will it be just a legal if I were to kick his azz if it were my daughter, or niece? it would if they go commando
  12. you have added a lot of useful information to this thread. thanks for Trolling
  13. Don't we want a QB that can win a playoff game w/o looking like a chump doing so?
  14. we know your just waiting for Rizzoli and Isles to return
  15. Know who? Lennay Kekua is this you?
  16. this is the only thread related to plastic surgery in the search box WTF??? Another one makes the wrong choice IMO
  17. what was it DC Tom posted... that's very Liberal
  18. You deleted your post but there are still 2 or 3 Quotes of the post. I believe the OP wanted discussion on how to improve the O barring who the QB was. There are always issues that need addressed beyond the QB. By slamming EJ you open the door for slamming KO. which is unproductive.
  19. this title hits it on the head... immunity OUCH Hernandez fiancee granted immunity in trial
  20. Broncos OC: 'No rush' on Manning decision
  21. Jon? Yes. he took a few months off last year to do a film.
  22. if they do something dumb, he'll bash them for sure. wait what..... you're a conservative?!?!?!??!
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