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Everything posted by BillsFan-4-Ever

  1. I don't recall many good returns well past the 20. I say take the knee and take the 20
  2. He has 4 PI calls against him this season. How many more wasn't he flagged on?
  3. Why? The article indicated that "It's best for Buffalo if the Bengals run away with the AFC North." Unless all AFCS teams win practically every game then that division's 2nd place team might be a threat for the WC.
  4. replace the cute kitten with a grown cat and I'm ok with it the first was joking done the last not
  5. Once again I will state ... How many times have you heard Tom Brady say - in some way, shape, or form -There is need for improvement. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap1000000243444/article/tom-brady-i-need-to-improve-my-body-language http://www.nfl.com/videos/new-england-patriots/0ap2000000243498/Brady-No-one-is-coming-to-save-the-day
  6. I'm not a cat person but dude - that is cruel. Give yourself a warning point
  7. Happy Birthday youngsters turned 58 7 weeks ago and I don't need no stinking fiber maybe that's why I'm so cranky
  8. No need. It was a good reminder
  9. please pronounce that for me?
  10. Moby Dick. I'll let you try and figure it out
  11. someone leave a half smoked blunt outside of Blount's hotel room
  12. http://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M8edd2c3506701890e991237eef131be0o2&pid=15.1
  13. I hate to burst your bubble but that was posted a very long time ago, but Props for digging it back up. !
  14. http://www.nfl.com/teams/buffalobills/injuries?team=BUF Leodis McKelvin CB -- Did Not Participate In Practice Kyle Williams DT -- Did Not Participate In Practice Cyrus Kouandjio T -- Full Participation in Practice
  15. maybe just a bit but NP LOL
  16. Is it wrong of me to want better? curious where did you get that stat?
  17. um not for nothing but that's as close to 50% as you can get.
  18. I'm old enough to have seen Buddy in his prime well before the punch and the punch itself. I wasn't much impressed with Kevin in Buffalo as a coach, but that doesn't mean he doesn't know how to evaluate talent.
  19. He's had or will have had ~ 9 days to heal beyond practice All focus seems to be on Rex. He's quiet and respectful of the Cheaters and still gets trashed. 5-4 and 9-0 with 7 games left. Does anyone honestly think winning a tough division DOWN 4 GAMES a possibility?
  20. You always hear the BB benches and or cuts players who fumble. With the exception of Lewis this season and of course Saint Tainted Tom. BB no likey fumbling
  21. thanks ... I need to post "joking" more I guess (since some don't like emoticons) you rat you got me.
  22. I'll add that even expecting a loss I will probably be standing up the entire 4th QTR pacing in front of the TV hoping for the win. Expect a loss get a loss you are bummed but not much else. Expect a loss get a win you feel great.
  23. This topic was of interest to a few of us here as we wanted to correlate whether or not the softer balls actually affected the fumbling by the team that has had the fewest in the NFL since Tainted Tom championed the NFL to have each team control their own footballs on the sideline. It would put to bed one of our cheating conspiracies. My apologies that you don't see it as interesting.
  24. I am happy with Taylor and the winning record. Call it being gun shy, but I need to see more as well to say he is a Franchise QB. RE Gilbride - Against Miami, I thought he looked pretty good. Taylor was 11 of 12 for 181 yards & 1 TD. You can't argue against that. Rushing was the mode of the day going 36 for 266 yards and 3 TD's. Cool. Thanks An argument to that could be that by not doing so he may miss an open receiver for a bigger gain and possibly a scoring opportunity.
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