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Everything posted by SDS

  1. Jesus. The game is 0-0.
  2. And here is a quick page to start referencing to new comers: https://www.twobillsdrive.com/tailgating-parking/ let me know what else needs to be added.
  3. You can start linking to this file: https://www.twobillsdrive.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/tbd_parking_sign.pdf Maybe that is easier than finding a marker...
  4. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  5. Jesus. Good point. I'm currently waiting while they convert my expired license to the new version, so I can pay my tithe. Maybe I should hold off until next week... (So, I haven't even started because I can't download the software yet. I thought I was going to have to buy new, but apparently I get a free upgrade, so it's worth it to wait since that is $200 I don't have to spend - and the Buffalo News hasn't sent my $1.25 in kickbacks yet. )
  6. Given that they have been trying to do this for months, it is clear this is the biggest offer they got.
  7. The issue with the forum is that when using the mobile skin you lose apostrophes and quotes when trying to submit a post.
  8. And?
  9. For those that allow world readable access.
  10. I forgot I have a neighborhood Halloween party to go to on Friday night. I may have to bump this to Saturday morning.
  11. Ok, I hope I didn't mislead anyone. Facebook login would be an option, not required.
  12. Are use Facebook. I have poor Facebook. I hate how those !@#$ing !@#$s follow my moves around the Internet. I also realize people like to use them as a method to login to other places. The question I have for everyone is if people will use this feature or not?
  13. The off-season IS our in-season.
  14. And since it was just brought up let me just say the following The look will be different. The software is different than it is today. The functionality is not exactly the same. The changes are necessary. Our current software is broken. The upgrade will happen and people will get used to the changes. Trust me. It will all be OK. Please do not waste your time telling me "if it ain't broke don't fix it".
  15. Friday night and Saturday are the down periods of the week. You know when people aren't working. LOL
  16. No idea. I don't actually expect the site to be down. As I explained I will be installing the new software separately on a copy of the database that I will make Friday night. I assume that will take me several hours to go through and that's without doing more than a simple logo change on the look. You will know there was a change when I redirect the forum to the subdirectory. If anything catastrophic happens I will just go back to the original database. I would rather I have Saturday to deal with issues.
  17. Especially with the issues regarding iOS 11 and punctuation. The URL will change. I am going to move it back under twobillsdrive.com as a subdirectory instead of the forums sub domain we have now. I will probably just make a copy of the database and do the transfer over in the subdirectory. There may be a window where a certain number of new posts are lost that night. That's probably a better solution than me just turning everything off for the night while I transfer things. I'm pretty sure everyone will have to login again. Make sure you know your password and your login name.
  18. What is your purpose in this thread? Why did you take that time out of your life to compile that?
  19. I recommended a name for Josh to consider.
  20. No idea. I presume predominantly white, older males if our tailgates are indicative of anything.
  21. They studied attitudes about this many years ago and found it mostly breaks down by race. White people don't like animated celebrations. Black people enjoy them more. Given the racial breakdown of WR/RBs in this league - it's no surprise that TD celebrations are more animated than the average white guy wants to see.
  22. Ha. Well, I've been asked worse questions that were serious, so you can't take any chances these days.
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