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Everything posted by SDS

  1. I could use a little Christmas kitty...
  2. ok, we just needed to restart a certain service. All is well now. you may need to still apply my "fix" if you don't see your file right away, but at least the files are uploading ok.
  3. everyone needs to stop updating until I figure out why uploads don't work anymore.
  4. Well, I spoke to soon. I have no idea why this is happening as I haven't changed any code....
  5. I've deleted both your empty files. Try again. Rubes - I use Safari also and I have no problems...
  6. that is what we got Andrew for Christmas....
  7. Rubes and Dave, The files that are uploaded have 0 bytes. You need to check the file you are uploading and see if it really is a picture or if it is a bad file. everything is working on my end - it is either the file or your browser that isn't working.
  8. then why don't I see a generic image icon in your spot? Neither your avatar or Rubes is in the directory. Are you guys deleting them after you don't see them? My link only works if you upload the avatar, but see only an image holder in it's place.
  9. clear your cache.
  10. well, you will need to define "changed". you probably didn't see the banners in IE because the images were moved. Clearing your cache will solve that or doing a super-reload.
  11. I just got off the phone with my contact, whom I believe is an honest guy. He claims that the 300 is the finest car they have ever built in terms of quality. He readily admits to the problems of the past, but he claims they have come a long way the last 4 years at DC. He also said Mercedes is NOT putting out top of the line stuff, but that they used tried and true Mercedes components, such as E class rear suspension, in the 300. He's driving one himself and it just received Motor Trend's Car of the Year. My deal would be 4-5K off the sticker, which he says is 5% below cost. I assume he means dealer cost. He is hooking me up with a test vehicle from their MD HQ's for a few days... Anyhow, I hope American cars can reclaim the reliability ground and style from oversees competitors.
  12. you watch the man show? I'm shocked!
  13. it was probably bigger than 80x80 and got resized.
  14. I see your avatar just fine.
  15. who are you again?
  16. you need to give me more info than that - c'mon. you don't have an avatar uploaded right now at all. the fix listed will correct an error to uploaded avatars that aren't showing.
  17. absolutely!!! I'll get the best price available w/o stealing it!
  18. my saving grace is that my former neighbor is head of the mid-Atlantic Sales division and all the dealers in the area jump to the moon when he talks.
  19. well, are you saying styling doesn't matter at all? Surely it plays a part.... These have a lot of Benz technology in them. I'm not an MAerican car person myslef, but I applaud Chrysler for trying new designs.
  20. that's the 300M... The 300 is new for this year.
  21. why????
  22. I think Paige has him beat...
  23. is it too gangster looking??? I think I really like it....
  24. if you upload your avatar, but see a red "X" instead of your picture, go here: http://www.stadiumwall.com/avatarfix.php enter your member number, which can be found on the left by your post total in one of your posts. then select the file type. this should be a temp fix for your problem. let me know if you have problems.
  25. not to bum you out, but assuming I'm right - I believe I am - then if you include OUR odds of WW then all the scenarios play out to a 10.5% chance of occuring...
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