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Everything posted by SDS

  1. It's painfully obvious...
  2. but you didn't put that together with Jack's foreshadowing...
  3. Well, I was born and raised a hick and the 1st time I had cable was after I graduated college in the 90's. I had never seen CC and that was one of the 1st skits I remember seeing. I crushed Deborah's head yesterday and now I want to see some of those again... didn't know where to look though.
  4. thanks! Am I the only who died laughing at that stuff? There was one where there were two of them on the street crushing heads, when one noticed a person's head already "crushed". He glances up to see this other person and they have this big fight in the street where they try to crush each other.... fuggin' hilarious.
  5. back in the early 90's, there was a skit on CC where some guy would look between his poiinter finger and his thumb and pretend to "squish" the heads of people walking by. After he did this - he would block the view of their heads with his thumb and say "you're gone!" Does anyone remember this and can anyone give me info on how I can search for an online clip?
  6. I don't believe anyone giving an honest opinion has stated that KF is an automatic anything. The fact that he DID coach with him is a plus. I don't see how it can be interpreted any other way. The guy is known for his game prep. Having 1st hand experience with that is valuable. As far as Carroll goes, I'm not sure what you want me to say. I don't see many people clamoring for him, so I'm not sure why you mentioned him. If you could explain your last comment - that would help. I don't know what you mean by it.
  7. Ferentz has actually coached in the NFL, unlike Spurrier before Snyder hired him. Plus, his success at a non-glamour school speaks well of his program.
  8. For those of you clamoring for the NFL channel, make note that when your pleas turn this puppy into another "ESPN" - your rates will double. Your TV bill is what it is because of ESPN. They know they have the broadcast outlets by the balls because ESPN is the only "must have" channel in the eyes of the public. Ironically, with ESPN going in the crapper, we should be demanding our carriers to fight the high cost of ESPN even if it means doing without them for a time period. I wouldn't miss them.
  9. don't be in such a rush... the shine has definitely come off of DTV. I would drop them in a minute if it weren't for the NFLST. In fact, I might just do it anyway. Once you start reading other message boards that deal in electronics, you will soon see how much discontent they are breeding out there.
  10. I believe this worked for the Rams when Vermeil hired his staff. Lots of former HC's IIRC.
  11. Why is Lana throwing you under the bus in her PM's?
  12. well, that is the double entendre... We are going to have a "Locke" problem... Maybe it should be a "lock" problem, now that John has changed the lockes?
  13. I have a silver sensor for sale if anyone needs it.
  14. We had a guy working in our branch in DoD who literally did nothing but stare at a wall all day. No assignments, he did nothing. Why? Because everyone was afraid of him going postal. He had a bit of a temper problem. So, they kept giving him good reviews in hopes that some day he would just go away, but he didn't. Over 10 years pass by and they finally decided that he needed to go, but the paper trail said otherwise. So, they had to document every instance of his inappropriate behavior. When he finally told his boss that he could kill him, they had enough evidence. My only interaction with him, was NOT saying hi to him one day... to which he repeatedly called me on the phone to say FU and hang up. He then obessed over me in his office with his officemate... He was one wacked dude and getting rid of him was very difficult. We were also audited and many employees were found to be showing up 10 hours/week, etc... but getting paid 40.
  15. Please stop wasting board space with these polls...
  16. Gabe Kaplan is the only man alive who could kick Chuck Norris' ass.
  17. He was awesome on Battle of the Network Stars... ABC always kicked ass IIRC.
  18. pass on the RB's - they are the LAST piece of the puzzle. You grab them once you are set on the OL and at QB...
  19. well, did you use the address in such a manner that you would normally expect to get it anyway?
  20. other than the pop-under, that is great news about the spam being controlled.
  21. It has only been a few days since his hiring and it is yet another major change for this organization - I don't understand the sentiment that people shouldn't be talking about this. It's one thing to scream "we suck" in week 15 after 15 sucky weeks, but at least give people a few days to get their thoughts out...
  22. Damn! That is exactly what I would have said if I kew what I was talking about! (and wasn't such a smart ass).
  23. BB is going to upgrade his corners from just using WR's to fill in? Crap!
  24. when was the last time you logged in?
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