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Everything posted by SDS

  1. you could donate it to the skinheads for all I care....
  2. Oh, I think we could come up with one...
  3. bert, that subject line STINKS! Please try to be more informative.
  4. ah, c'mon - you looked great in that one shot with 10 layers of clothing on as you stared down the icy winds of the pacific NW. Now, if we could only get one in a full length parka - or perhaps a space suit - then we can really form an opinion.
  5. So, I'm in the doctor's office today and the person across from me picks up "American Cheerleader". On the cover is some DUDE with a Sooner sweater on. I'm thinking I'd rather be dead than be the male cover model for American Cheerleader. So, that got me thinking on what would be the worst magazine to be featured on the cover.... I don't know if you can top American cheerleader w/o going into the gay porn genre. What say you?
  6. This guy is just jerking your chains. He is doing the same thing at TSR... He's gone now.
  7. No, they just have a key slot that hangs on a screw in the back. They can also be stand mounted. Here are some quick photos I snapped this morning. Please ignore the mess and the bad quality of the shots.
  8. miragespeakers.com. Tweeter has them locally here as well as a few others. Mirage doesn't sell online... another neat thing about them is that if you wall mount them - they mount upside down once you go a certain height.
  9. They are exactly $500/pair retail. You can get them as low as $420 if you wheel and deal. They are omnipolar speakers with a really cool/novel design in which the speaker radiates into an inverted spoon in front of the speaker which causes the sound to kick out in all directions. The omnipolar line has a full range of speakers. I have the omnisat's - so they are satellite speakers. They make some even smaller, but I specifically have the omnisats.
  10. Well, that was just awesome. So awesome that it can't be improved, so I'll just close this thread now and admire it's beauty...
  11. AJ, if you are looking for nice diffuse sound - I really like my Mirage OmniSat's. I have a 6.1 system setup with all omnisat's and an Aperion sub. They sound great and they are aesthetically beautiful. Solid as a rock too.
  12. anyone else's gaydar going off?
  13. he's going to have to prove he can handle A LOT more blow before he is worthy of wearing that number.
  14. wow, I guess no one keeps anything private these days...
  15. he probably meant sole.
  16. friggin' hobos who find their pants in the goodwill bin. I have a manager who probably makes $150k. and has pants that are easily 3-4" too short. WTF... does this guy not have a mirror in his house? Is he married to Helen Keller?
  17. Mandals are indeed hideous - with or without the socks. Throw them all away. I'll also add one additional fashion failure that bugs the crap out of me. If you stand up with pants on and your pants are SEVERAL FUGGIN' INCHES away from reaching the top of your shoe - THROW THEM AWAY. THEY DON'T FIT. Not even a little bit. You CAN'T get away with it. You look like a cheap ass dork who can't afford to buy a reasonable fitting pair of pants. You cannot hide the fact that your pants are about 3 inches too short.
  18. that's the way to win these guys over - make a Steelers reference. Can't get enough of those cheating bastards.
  19. to be fair, Cincy tried to re-sign him, but he refused. Tenny was suggesting that most FA's aren't picked up by their former teams by choice.
  20. For a couple of bucks you can download it from itunes.
  21. this is all great news... Given the quality of play in the NFL in general and the Bills in particular - this is FAR more entertaining than the product on the field.
  22. That isn't the official Sabres site... That is TBD's sister site.
  23. those are betting numbers. Against The Spread and Over/Under. I think the "units" are generic dollar "units" and it tells you how well you would have done as a bettor picking them ATS.
  24. I dunno... I found the electric yellow, the orange, the reds, the blacks, the stark whites rather soothing... you didn't?
  25. ceremony video: http://www.sabresreport.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=1529
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