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Everything posted by SDS

  1. Jason Kidd? Is that you?
  2. it makes you wonder why he is considered a potential top 10 pick - no? Clearly, something is amiss.
  3. well, if it did - you would probably get more dates... but, I'm not talking about THAT knob. "The new knobs are custom made with beech wood and bronze where the bronze is used as the insert to mount to the stem of the volume pot. The beech wood is coated several times with C37 lacquer for best sound as pointed out by Dieter Ennemoser. How can this make a difference??? Well, hearing is believing as we always say. The sound becomes much more open and free flowing with a nice improvement in resolution. Dynamics are better and overall naturalness is improved." http://www.referenceaudiomods.com/Merchant..._Code=NOB_C37_C
  4. I thought the Republicans finally did away with all the old people?
  5. What was it about Price that makes you say that? He catches the ball with his body, he rarely made tough grabs, he fumbled quite a bit on his "second efforts", he allowed way too many interceptions be caught when he was the target, he didn't block for crap, and then there was the infamous play he just stopped running after an INT. He played soft and ran his mouth... He may not be the anti-Christ, but he is the anti-Football player in my book. I assume he would be the 1st guy shot if he was holed up in a bunker (by his own troops).
  6. let's just pass on these types of posts from there...
  7. yeah, but reality sucks.
  8. Now you have someone to chat about the Lifetime Movie of the Week with...
  9. Comcast and Sony will launch a horror films on-demand cable, Internet and wireless network on Halloween this year, an executive at the top U.S. cable operator said Sunday. linky This is a great idea - I can't believe no one thought of this sooner! It's like printing your own money...
  10. talk about reading till the last page of the sports section...
  11. what is silly about this notion is that it is a foregone conclusion that Buffalo fans will be pissed if the team is moved. Bitching and moaning to the NFL offices accomplishes nothing because it isn't really news that Buffalo will be pissed should this pass. The only thing that would help change this is NATIONAL outrage, via the media, on what the new CBA means to some teams. Unless influential sportswriters and talk show hosts beat the drums, no letter writing, no phone calls, no protests will make a bit of difference. The NFL needs a black eye, or the pulling of sponsorship money, to think twice here.
  12. Maybe I'm just becoming apathetic (as opposed to pathetic) in my older age, but we have been talking about the Bills moving for so long that enough is enough. I'm sick of this tired played out scene straight from the Deer Hunter where every few years we hear "click!" and the chamber spins again. I'm already fed up with Directv and the rising cost of the NFLST, their "SuperFan" bull sh--, commercials before and after every TD, PAT, and KO, and superstar athletes who actually think they're worth more than a warm pint of urine. Somehow I want to see this resolved... not delayed - RESOLVED. Hit the bullseye or get it off our effing backs already. I'm probably too old to shed a tear over a sport these days, but if this plays out with Buffalo losing the Bills, God forbid I bump into Danny Snyder at a Nats "Free Bat" promotion game...
  13. I guess that will be TBD....
  14. Then why can't Ralph, while he is alive, sign one big ass snakes on a plane lease with the city of Buffalo making it near impossible to move the team w/o the entire league willing to hand over $100M????
  15. Well, not everyone can use a spoon and a meatball to catapult themsleves onto a straw and slide down into the glass to finish that cookie...
  16. I think the larger point is that these "skill" position players aren't very skillful in their own right. If he added talent with them the glass would be half full. As it is now, the glass is empty, my oreo is sitting at the bottom and my hand is too big to get it out.
  17. What pisses me off is that we have TWO second round choices listed there and neither are capable #2 receivers... WTF? Nice draft picks...
  18. Well, I was going to prepare one.
  19. So much for having a Maryland Party... New Year's Eve... Fuggers...
  20. I imagine they will have a football or a helmet covering its vagina.
  21. Ed's been to prison?
  22. I forgot to mention there should be a floor too...
  23. You can't just indiscriminately eliminate 90% of the population. I mean, tall people consume WAY more than short people. It would be much, much more effective to set some sort of height limitation to conserve resources...
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