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Everything posted by SDS

  1. yikes... well, who the hell let him in here! Thanks for the recap... I didn't know the history.
  2. I think the original thread is a legit question for someone who is curious about WM recovery. His reply 3 minutes later (at 4:00am EDT) was absurd... but he has 58 posts. That seems more than a few... no?
  3. ok, what's the deal with this song? If it is an Adam Sandler impersonator - he does one hell of a job...
  4. go to the forums at sabresreport.com and look at the pinned thread.
  5. I thought Paris Hilton was back in the headlines again...
  6. don't bother - I can't find anything on the subject.
  7. what is this "porn" thingy you speak of... I did a search on the net and couldn't find any references.
  8. Moore, Brandon G, New York Jets Moore, Brandon LB, San Francisco 49ers Moore, Clarence WR, Baltimore Ravens Moore, Dave TE, Tampa Bay Buccaneers Moore, Eddie LB, Miami Dolphins Moore, Eric DE, New York Giants Moore, Keon DB, San Diego Chargers Moore, Lance WR, New Orleans Saints Moore, Langston DT, Arizona Cardinals Moore, Larry G, Cincinnati Bengals Moore, Lewis , Pittsburgh Steelers Moore, Mewelde RB, Minnesota Vikings Moore, Mookie T, Atlanta Falcons Moore, Rashad DT, Oakland Raiders
  9. http://www.sabresreport.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=3412
  10. yes to your 1st statement. no to the second. Since I manually change them every 5 minutes to 666, they all are correct at some point. Various people still have problems. The code is here: //------------------------------------------------- // Copy the upload to the uploads directory //------------------------------------------------- $this->saved_upload_name = $this->out_file_dir.'/'.$this->parsed_file_name; if ( ! @move_uploaded_file( $_FILES[ $this->upload_form_field ]['tmp_name'], $this->saved_upload_name) ) { $this->error_no = 4; return; } else { @chmod( $this->saved_upload_name, 0666 ); } BTW, it stopped working because there are too many files in the dir. Support wrote a script for me to get around this, so my "fix" is back working again.
  11. the situation is aggravating. I have addressed the issue in the source code where I specifically have it issue the proper chmod command on the uploaded image, yet for a certain percentage of users - it doesn't work. My image server app - thttpd - doesn't like image files 777, it wants them 666. Apache doesn't care, so it normally isn't an issue. So, as a backup, I have the chmod command running every 5 minutes in the background, but for some reason it is no longer changing the permissions.
  12. well, I certainly didn't write it like that - and that is my entry. Plus, it doesn't seem to be working now...
  13. we are having avatar issues and one of my "fixes" is to run a cron job that repairs file permissions every 5 minutes. Well, my crontab file was altered in March and it sure as hell wasn't altered by me. My entries look funky now at the beginning of the line: */5 * * * * root chmod 0666 /<path>/av* I don't recall having the */ in there. What does that do?
  14. I was told the server above ours was being worked on and the tech knocked our power cord loose. All should be well now.
  15. Vince said "yes"????
  16. you know your own breath stinks when you can't smell cat's breath...
  17. great signature - how were you able to maximize the vertical space you used so easily?
  18. from the flyers board: For a Bob Clarke press conference tomorrow at noon. It should be three sentences long. "Although I'm not personally aware of this perception, Mr. Snider has let me know in no uncertain terms that my antiquated and myopic philosophy for building a hockey team has never been particularly effective." "In the current day NHL, he made it clear that I'm clearly a mental midget who needs to be put out to pasture or go the way of the dinosaur." "As a result, today marks the final day of the Bob Clarke General Managered Philadelphia Flyers and the first day of my new life selling artificially-flavored butter popcorn."
  19. so, you want 400 more players - who are currently not good enough for the NFL to now be NFL caliber? Sounds like a plan.
  20. perhaps you could just read this thread as I already pointed it out.
  21. Except for the huge straw man he creates as the basis for the entire piece.
  22. Really? 2001: Aaron Schobel, Ron Edwards, Tyrone Robertson 2002: Ryan Denney, Coy Wire, Justin Bannan 2003: Chris Kelsay, Lauvale Sape 2004: Tim Anderson Not to mention FA's Lawyer Milloy, Troy Vincent, Sam Adams... and we had Pat Williams. I see a lot of 1st day picks there and big FA signings. This is considered "years of neglect"???
  23. To play Devil's Advocate - he would just counter that 2 wrongs don't make a right....
  24. again, it isn't the player or the position filled (for the most part) - it is the timing that is giving many people trouble.
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