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Everything posted by SDS

  1. It is remarkable what he did considering he was fighting obsessive compulsive disorder....
  2. Teppo is out for the year.... (until you see him skate out on to the ice for a shift....)
  3. Well, THAT has gotta hurt!
  4. Nice... did you get a BBQ Galore grill?
  5. at least he will be able to stretch his legs when he changes planes 3 times....
  6. Well, I don't know about the TV, but I have thought about the Gazebo... I guess I wonder how many people actually use it and what I would need to include around it to make sure I use it...
  7. after clearing a bunch of scrub trees, I'm looking for ideas for the backyard. We already have a nice swingset for the kids that I will be expanding to accomodate some additional play equipment I inherited from the neighbor. We have a 16x16 deck, but now I am wondering what to do next... Does anyone have one particular aspect they like about their yard or their neighbor's yard? A particular entertainment setup or a well used child's play station perhaps?
  8. it's 97th game in a row... I know, who cares... but I find it fascinating that one school, Mt. Hebron in Howard County, can be so dominate year after year. In the 10 years they ahve won the title they are 183-6-1! This year they won the championship game 16-0 and outshot their opponent 40-3... You would think it was a Bills/Patriots SNF game! Anyways, I thought it was a noteworthy feat...
  9. we also have a printable one on the front page (left hand column)... Uconn did a stand up job with his though....
  10. to jail... http://entertainment.iafrica.com/news/406212.htm "She and her attorneys left the court without commenting, but last week she told People magazine: "I'm a gypsy. I can see beauty in a jail cell.""
  11. try living in Baltimore where I believe we have Preakness coverage ALL afternoon!
  12. no one knows what you did or did not do to get booted... You are a guest. Accept the invite, be polite, and appreciate the fact that she is able to set aside her differences for the sake of someone else's happiness.
  13. I think it would be great PR to see a section of 20 Bills in the stands...
  14. lookie, lookie, there goes Cookie!
  15. well, stevie's torch has been snuffed... who is next?
  16. you forgot to mention the guy that points out your grammatical errors...
  17. Freeman.... he's been hiding behind that bush for days now. We see you over there Steve!!!!
  18. I dunno... the Italian Job made those mini cooper's look fun to tool around in... Of course, they managed to put in a Boeing 747 engine in three of them in under 2 hours, but hey, they loooked fun!
  19. http://lesbianlife.about.com/od/otherfunst...LesbianCars.htm
  20. I didn't know that about Jetta's... Ford PROBE yes, Jetta no... However, Subaru's (Forrester, etc...) are the #1 cars for lesbians.
  21. did you challenge him to a spearing contest?
  22. do you have your ticket money in?
  23. C'mon, let's get those last minute orders in!!!
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