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Everything posted by SDS

  1. I heard he put a pubic hair in Mike Greenburg's Shirley Temple drink.
  2. send a photo along...
  3. She has the face of an angel... Perhaps she would like to be our Sabres banner girl?
  4. Please.... she has never even won a singles Grand Slam title!
  5. what are you doing in a BOTD thread? Bi-curious...?
  6. I'm guessing Ed will be a Loose End?
  7. Poor girls... I'm sure the Salvation Army would help them find some suitable clothing if they don't have much money.
  8. local camera man... possible local talent????
  9. God Bless ya... go for it!
  10. I don't see why DB should be paid as much as what a single team paid a specific FA when DB is NOT a FA...
  11. we did that to a manager at my last job. We put one of those rainbow fuzzy balls on his car antenna and then called him while he was on the beltway. You could hear him screaming through the phone all the way across the room...
  12. here's a question for you... I don't play any of the electronic RPG systems, but I played D&D all through the 80's. Are the two comparable? Is there still room for the old way? I had always thought I would play with my kids, but I'm wondering if the computer versions are soooo much better that it would be silly to even entertain the thought...
  13. If Pete is playing - HELL YEAH!
  14. 700 incidents of serious burn... How many cups of coffee did they sell over that period? If this coffee was so hot that it would melt the flesh off your bone - why did people put it in their mouths? Are their mouths immune from the scalding hot tempertures? Why would anyone buy a second cup from them if the 1st one was so hot they couldn't drink it? Did most people buy it and let it sit for 15 minutes until they started to drink it? Didn't the fact that they sold a billion cups of coffee indicate that the general public didn't think it was too hot?
  15. HA! HA! Pete got beat by a GIRL!!!!
  16. If you want the truth about what is going on this year - wait until next year... Everything is peaches and cream until the next season when we find out it was all fish oil and rocky mountain oysters...
  17. Don't you have any thing to do?
  18. homoerotic?
  19. I tried to get in, but it wouldn't accept my cc. I would have been late anyway and it looks like it ended pretty quick. It also took me a long time to find the room...
  20. you have to realize there are only so many issues in life that Joe can B word about... since he has lapped that list twice, you'll have to excuse him for these seemingly trivial complaints...
  21. I didn't want to make that search from work... Plus, w/o opening the links - I wasn't sure if it would be the "original" jennicam. The subject came up at work and I couldn't remember her name.
  22. who pioneered putting her life on the net? Was her name Jennifer?
  23. Actually, they will be retiring #10 and putting AVP's name up on the ring of fame next season...
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