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Everything posted by SDS

  1. Several people have asked this: Your name will NOT appear in the player listings until you actually "play". So, get some preseason picks in and you will see your name on the roster.
  2. I snapped a great picture of him hugging Deborah. She was kneeling down, with her cheek on his forehead - I think I caught it at just the right time. Well, at least it looked great on the little LCD screen. I'll have to download it and see.
  3. Thomas is the rear view mirror my friend.
  4. We loaded him on the bus with his Power Ranger's backpack and lunch box and he didn't even turn around at the steps to wave... Man, it seems like only yesterday I was watching playoff football while Deborah was in labor. Holy crap do I feel old.
  5. I'm pretty certain that was Mike Martz's offense, not Steve Fairchild's.
  6. Great! We need a solid foundation of page 4 pickers for the other pages to stand on!
  7. So, if I understand this correctly - he is the "X-factor" in the NFL, but wasn't in college? I don't believe a word of it. What I do believe, and I have seen with my own eyes, is that in a real NFL game he gets picked up in the air and thrown to ground like a rag doll.
  8. Why is Parrish a lock? A guy that couldn't dominant in college with his tiny size, is now expected to do exactly what in the NFL? Maybe it's time to cut ties with some of these past draft decisions and start fielding a full size NFL roster.
  9. 6 months? That is an awful stiff punishment for not cleaning your room...
  10. I'm sure this isn't the 1st time that was written about Peerless...
  11. Sure... if it makes you sleep better.
  12. if you say so...
  13. That sounds like a personal problem.
  14. BTW, for those of you wantig to setup your own "divisions" - I need to add that link to the page. ITMT, you can set one up here: http://www.superbrawl.com/rcs/rcs_RXF.pl?w...41&ac=divisions
  15. I know...
  16. I apologize for the delay, but every year they change things on the setup. The page looks bad, but it works for now. Select "Join >> Join Here" from the bottom row of menus. http://www.twobillsdrive.com/footballpool/pool.php
  17. After watching Clinton for 8 years you have to parse these things carefully. He didn't actually specify men... just half of America. So, he could have meant ALL men (and some women too since they make up more than 50% of the population. Ellen DeGeneres? Martina Navratilova?).
  18. Didn't they announce a week ago that they ADDED 3 planets?
  19. the purple ones? yes, you have. many times.
  20. I thought Mel Gibson in the original Lethal Weapon played a cool character... The sequels were cheesy, but he had that pyscho cop thing down pretty good.
  21. Any good rant always includes one factual mistake or one glaring spelling error..
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