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Everything posted by SDS

  1. Little letters... great idea! Now he won't have to strain his neck.
  2. Is there a difference?
  3. wouldn't that be the Pocket Rocket?
  4. Bringing up that post should be against the Terms of Service...
  5. Look up... You'll see me at #4...
  6. I think most people, including myself, are using the term steroids as a generic term for performance enhancing substances.
  7. Well, that would require you to leave the house.
  8. Are you kidding me? Do you know how hard I had to scrape my key....
  9. Thanks everyone... Birthdays are certainly different these days for the Sept. 11th crowd. During our monthly company morning meeting, our CEO went out of his way to wish me HBD and then followed it up with a moment of silence for the victims of 911. While our BDs are insignificant in the grand scheme of things, it is still a buzzkill nonetheless. Other than that, a pretty normal day (minus the usual chirping from the Mrs... ) Now, if L. Jordan has a subpar game - that would be a sweet way to end the day and start my fantasy league. I will be heading into town next Friday I think, so I doubt I will be there at lunch... I'll be around the rest of the weekend though! Thanks again for the well wishes and HBD to all the other 911ers!
  10. I got ridiculed pretty heavily when I suggested 50% of the NFL used steroids back in 1998/99 time frame.... (Marcellus Wiley putting on 75 lbs in an uber-short period of time was the focal point). My guess is that 50% is too low...
  11. I'll sing "I'm a little teapot" if it puts 30 lbs on him...
  12. It's as simple as that...
  13. Chris Chambers and the Panther defense were less than steller... Unless LJordan blows up tonight - I should be safe though.
  14. you should never have to agonize on who to start, unless it is the end of the year shananagins. You drafted a starter - play a starter (until that starter has shown unworthy).
  15. I would empty your bank account and let it ride... I just don't see how you could lose.
  16. that is a phrase a hate with a passion. WTF does it even mean? Either you can catch the ball or you can't. The only thing it says to me is: slow. If given the choice between a fast guy that can catch or a slow guy that can catch - I'll take the former....
  17. Which way is the wind blowing this year in the valley? Not so understanding last year....
  18. and thank you for volunteering to be at the bottom of the pool again this year! It takes a strong back to hold the rest of us on pages 1 and 2! 6-6 straight up and you wish you were laying money of games?
  19. people who bet on opening weekend football have serious gambling issues. Please seek help.
  20. we played them tight last year in Foxboro too... The BEST you can say, today, is that we are the same as last year. Fast out of the gate, but still the worst finishers in football. Maybe as the season unfolds, you will see a different team than last year, but I don't see it (McGahee's performance was the exception).
  21. there is one included in the football pool see link in the dark blue bar above. You need to sign in for both the pick 'em and the survivor pool once your get to the page.
  22. yeah, the optimize table command hung anything dealing with that dbase. After I killed that process, everything was fine, but the loading of posts.
  23. I have them in different dbases. I tried to optimize the "post" table here and it hung on me. Then the file was system was full. Then I cried. Then I called tech. support and he fixed my HD space (492MB of spam in one mailbox) and I actually manged to fix the dabse myself. I'm going outside to have a cig...
  24. as I was trying to make things speedier, I corrupted some indexes in the database and they had to be rebuilt. All is well now and hopefully everything will be snappy for tomorrow!
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