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Everything posted by SDS

  1. I can do it manually.
  2. I got rid of the nag screen... Apparently the javascript is different between what I was using and the footballpool, but now my menus are a bit messy. Anyone have any insight here?
  3. you need to validate your account.
  4. I got fox that.... damn it. This is a free version they gave out and I must have the code wrong.
  5. http://www.sabrespace.com/ Place take a moment to look at our new Sabre Site and bookmark it for the future! The Sabres Report will continue on as a sister site, but the main development will occur at SabreSpace. Please let us know what you like/don't like and if you want to contribute wallpapers, photos, videos, etc... drop us a line!
  6. not to mention he lives across the street from OBD and hosts our Tailgate party every year...
  7. Ed is 0 for 5,000 against the spread
  8. why anyone would want to engage a chronic sourpuss like you is beyond me. There will ALWAYS be something to complain about which means you will always be yapping about that something.
  9. Lest anyone get the wrong idea, I removed that reference. However, it is what it is... that place stank like no other place I have ever been in.
  10. When I was house shopping 4 years ago, I went into this one place. At 1st I noticed something wasn't right, but I pressed on. About 5 minutes into the tour, I started to get nauseous. Finally, I couldn't take it any more and I ran outside and started dry heaving in the front lawn! I yelled inside that I had to leave and I drove as fast as I could to Target. The smell was in my nose and it wouldn't leave. I went to the bath aisle and started putting all the fragrant soaps and stuff to my nose to try and clear the smell out. Just talking about it several months afterwards made me gag as I could still "smell" it in my mind.
  11. I think that was Crowell - no?
  12. we chop off appendages here when you're wrong.... Lot's of torso's just rolling round out there.
  13. That's ok - they don't serve people like you...
  14. The point is that the original post is a non sequitar. If Kyle Williams won the award - does that mean he should have been chosen with the 8th pick?
  15. http://chunkysoupcurse.com/ There it is folks.... in black/white/and blood red.
  16. Who woulda thunk after all those "no-huddle" years that Fergy and Bledsoe are #1 and #2 in single game passing yards????
  17. what is the cost of living in THEIR town???
  18. they did a story on Dateline that showed that some of these panhandlers make 50k a year...
  19. Apply code 65639 to receive 60% off gift certificates at Restaurant.com for your local restaurants. They have $25 gift certificates for $4 after coupon. Some restrictions apply. http://www.restaurant.com/
  20. I dunno... I think they very attractive. It was an artistic shot that caught my eye.
  21. I love the contrast between the two....
  22. There is no reason to think that this was committed by a waller. It could have easily been someone walking/driving by looking to take stuff like this.
  23. a lot of good stuff written that I won't repeat. I do want to say that I fully believe any "dampening" was a stadium-wide phenomenon. Abbott hardly had any traffic all morning... so it wasn't just us. It would probably be good to nudge people harder on bringing a dish to pass if possible. In the past there was always too much food, however, this year I think we could have used a bit more. You could almost say we had TOO many great items on the silent auction! It sort of spread out the bidders. Would some sort of background music set up be welcomed? We are also missing a signature ceremony... We need to burn something baby!!!! These are all just minor suggestions. I think it went great considering the weather. The old ladies at Danny's ticked me off (hello??? People walking around the room w/ name tags on - get the f- out!)
  24. Jack, Cindy, Lori, Jay, Ruth, the ticket girls, Hammer, and everyone else involved! We had another great weekend in Orchard Park. #7 was a little more subdued (this goes for the entire crowd) due to the weather and this being week #3, but it was still a great time. Other than a missing cooler, everything went off w/o a hitch (to my knowledge). Every year these guys and gals pull together a great party for all of us out of towners and I want to thank them from the bottom of my heart for pulling it all together! Our tailgate weekend is by far my favorite weekend of the year and it was great to see everyone again. I would also like to thank everyone involved for the gifts that I received. For those not in attendance, I was given an elegant display piece in honor of 10 years of Bills football on the internet as well as a gift certificate. Thank you very much!
  25. You were there?
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