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Everything posted by SDS

  1. The problem isn't the pace of the show, it moves a story line every week. However, it just isn't the same story line from season 1 or season 2 or even last week. They introduce SOOOO many new things that they clearly have no intention on tying up the previous loose ends.
  2. Read this: http://ricedelman.com/planning/insurance/disability.asp he is my FP... Other insurance articles: http://ricedelman.com/planning/insurance/default.asp
  3. Actually, disability insurance is probably more valuable, since there is a much greater chance you will become disabled during your working years than to die (thus the HIGHER premiums. They are higher because people USE it.) Your greatest asset is your ability to work - disability guards against losing that asset.
  4. I believe you enter it on checkout.
  5. Apply code 44355 to receive 60% off gift certificates at Restaurant.com for your local restaurants. They have $25 gift certificates for $4 after coupon. Some restrictions apply.
  6. would the "gloves be off" in this case, lying in front of him?
  7. good comparison...
  8. try listening to the audio files on sabrespace.com under fanzone. We have all the playoff games there, so it should be there somewhere.
  9. if that's what it takes...
  10. http://www.americangaragedoors.com/images/...slug_gloves.png are we on the right track with this one? Should he be fighting or should he be holding a hockey stick?
  11. If you go to: http://www.sabrespace.com/ and click on the icejerseys.com ad along the right side you can get some good stuff there at a good price. It also helps support the site. If you are going to order Sabres gear anyway, might as well let someone else help pay for the sites!
  12. Absolutely. The regular season is a marathon. Anyone can win in a short series (except the Braves ). The postseason was supposed to be reserved for the marathon winners, not the also-rans.
  13. no, just more hosting hiccups. Routine maintenance that is never quite routine.
  14. "I'm free Jerry! I'm out there and I'm LOVING IT!"
  15. Even our great teams played like this sometimes and it was nice to break that TD pass streak. I've already moved on....
  16. you mean the right column on tbd.com?
  17. on what page?
  18. how about that yellow box now that gives the recap?
  19. The game was NOT on my to do list. when I checked channel 709 - it says Jax/Indy in the title (from last week). This will cause your season pass to miss the game! You need ot enter the game manually if you want to record it!
  20. Point taken! We are working on it. I consider the design to be a 0.7 type release. still lots to do.
  21. but they look like that every night - regardless of how well they play.
  22. I have no idea who you are talking about!
  23. I can do it manually.
  24. I got rid of the nag screen... Apparently the javascript is different between what I was using and the footballpool, but now my menus are a bit messy. Anyone have any insight here?
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