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Everything posted by SDS

  1. [This is an automated response] As a courtesy to the other board members, please use more descriptive subject lines. The topic starter can edit the subject line to make it more appropriate. Thank you.
  2. I was going to make a post about that video today... Seems like only yesterday our LB core was a team strength... 2 years later and everyone is gone.
  3. A Rosen free board.... Dare to dream!
  4. $1M to be credible? Dude, you are dreaming. The average salary of a household on this board is probably $40k. You don't think people would take a year's salary over the outcome of a game? Even $10k invested right now goes a long way to putting a young child through college. Like I said, everyone will say Super Bowl, but in reality most would take the money. If not - you're stupid rich or just well... you know.
  5. everyone will say win the Super Bowl, but secretly everyone, if presented a suitcase full of cash - will take the money and run.
  6. well, the dirty deed is done. I placed the order. It should be up and running on Monday (although it will take some time for me to migrate the sites over)... They laughed when I told them our current server specs and promised that we will receive a substantial performance increase. At least I can relax this weekend and stop evaluating freebsd, centos, and how it all plays with mysql and the various processors.... Talk about making your eyes bleed. We should be ready by the Stanley Cup playoffs and certainly by the draft. Those will be awesome tests and I look forward to seeing us hammer this new rig and gauge what it is capable of....
  7. you do an awful lot of thinking about this...
  8. I didn't see your name and the scroll bar on my browser isn't working... how far past the top 50 are you?
  9. It looks like we will be going with the following configuration: Single Processor Dual Core Xeon 3060 - 2.4 GHz (Core2Duo) - 1 x 4MB cache 2 GB DDRII 667 RAM 150GB SATA Raptor 10k Hard Drive 2000 GB per month Data Transfer FreeBSD 6.2 10 Mbit pipe 20 GB secure backup space $199/month although I flip back and forth on the OS and the hard drive... This should be a significant upgrade over our current, glorified desktop machine (P4 2.4 GHz; 80 GB IDE drive, 200 GB data transfer for $140/month). I am hoping for 5-10x the performance... We'll see!
  10. hey, I filled mine out but it didn't show in the group - it is showing as a single entry w/o a group... friggin' Yahoo.
  11. in the end - whether someone else hosts it or we do - we consume a lot of resources and we will pay for it one way or another. Sure, we can pass along the headache, but that will just be another line item on the bill!
  12. I was told that we entered Bronze or novice.... The novice part really threw me because we have some very good players, so I'm pretty sure our C is aware of the games that are played. They have won these tourneys before....
  13. yes. The captain of our team here in MD puts together a "work" team and has the company pay the fee. We have 7 skaters and a goalie and we need a few more. We have the hotel reservations right next to the rink. It's the Labatts Blue Adult Hockey Tournament listed on usahockey.com. The 23rd - 25th.
  14. BTW, I know the emoticons are broken... they should be fixed at lunchtime.
  15. If you add up the requests for files (images, pages, css, javascript, etc....) that get logged in our server logs over the course of one year - we serve approximately 1 BILLION files. I thought that was a cool stat, but then again I'm easily amused....
  16. in a contest of 1 maybe....
  17. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=61393
  18. I've looked at my logs and nothing suspicious is taking place...
  19. the timing may not be ideal, because I am out of town the next couple of weekends (when I would be able to do the bulk of the work). That puts us at the beginning of April - just in time for Hockey playoffs. I might have to do a half and half and float two servers for a month or two.
  20. I don't know if we can remain with our current host due to their pricing. I have found a couple of reliable, highly recommended hosts who have much better pricing. However, this obviously requires us to change hosts, yet again, and we would have to deal with all the accompanying headaches w/ regards to domain name transfer, downtime to set the server up, etc... Is everyone set to deal with these headaches, should we move forward w/ this?
  21. A couple people have asked my about this. I have set up an easy way for people to make contributions. Just go to your control panel and click the "Make a Donation!" link on the left hand side. That gives a couple of options to choose from. Thank you for your support! If there is not a preset amount that floats your boat - just PM me for our direct paypal account/mailing address.
  22. I have requested double the amount of lights and a 50% increase in colors. That should suit us nicely.
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