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Everything posted by SDS

  1. If I may add to this - because no one here knows exactly what happened we are all speaking to images in our minds of what some accident scene, somewhere on Earth may have looked like. I'm sure people have images of people getting hit and flying over their windshield or their tires driving over someone's chest, etc... So with these hypothetical images in mind - people are pronouncing what they would do in such a situation, even though it may have little relevance to what happened that night with Lynch.
  2. there are probably 100,000 people or more registered through that site, so I wouldn't be worried....
  3. Even if the game isn't scheduled - they show the highlights during the game that is on, so people tend to rely less on the chat room these days.
  4. the problem with that room is that you have to login once every 3 weeks to keep your registration. It kind of sucks, but the price is right! Hopefully this will provide a much better experience this season, although the chat room ios less necessary now that the NFL network shows the preseason games.
  5. Our chat room host has moved away from java and installed a flash based chat. It loads pretty fast for me and I have had no issues. How is it for everyone else?
  6. Exactly.... When community members do cool things we try our best to make sure everyone knows about it. Whether it is Ken's book, or Moose's wallpapers, or Dr. K's TV script - it is always cool when members showcase their talents. So, rest assured we welcome that kind of interaction. However, when people you don't know decide to showcase themselves, well - that's not so special. FYI, links can be submitted for approval on the TBD front page...
  7. No one is pissed off and as I explained to you privately , I cannot see how we can justify what you are doing, when we have told countless others that their same behavior was inappropriate. Fans with blogs, fans selling t-shirts, cruise packages, knick-knacks, ebay items, etc... where is the cutoff? How many people who are not members of this community do we allow to pimp their wares? There are other means of driving traffic to your site, this isn't an appropriate one because I'm not ready to make you the lone exception after 10 years.
  8. Of all the lives one could lead - that would be one of them.
  9. Pretty cool. Mother teaches Philippino boy to sing and she eventually dies. Boy is homeless, lives in Manilla Park picking up scrap metal to buy bread. Eventually starts making money singing in clubs. Ends up having a video put on YouTube of a live performance. Members of Journey stumble across him covering a Journey tune and fly him in for an audition... Sounds more like Steve Perry than Steve Perry does. Homeless to touring the USA with Journey... Pretty nice story. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/06/01/...in4142967.shtml
  10. every night there are 100 of them swarming around a couple light fixtures upstairs. Little !@#$ers. I have to suck 'em up with the Dyson so they swirl to their death... until the next batch arrives next evening.
  11. Well, if Sept. 1 is the time to do it in MD - then late Sept is way too late in WNY. It takes about 14 days to germinate, so by the time mid-sept rolls around the weather will be perfect. Having seeds germinate in mid-oct doesn't seem like a good plan.
  12. Tirico? Is that you?
  13. SDS


    did you mean Bills Digest?
  14. BTW, they don't sign one contract - they sign a series of one-year contracts. Also, the terms are often lengthened to spread out the signing bonus money for cap reasons.
  15. considering your avatar, I'm pretty sure your sense of "creepy" is broken.
  16. At least this one lasted 4 years... Not sure if I'm going to stay in optics, too few opportunities w/ a few too many family disruptions. I did get my TS/SCI CI clearance and I'm considering getting into the software/networking/computer side of life (trying to leverage my clearance). However, the guys at dice.com are suicidal about the state of IT and programming. Is it really that bad? Does anyone know if it is better here in MD? I'm I screwed if I don't have my B.S in C.S. and a litany of other certs?
  17. what world do you live in that you come up with those numbers?
  18. bestfares.com they have a last minute travel section too...
  19. for those who watch The Office - there was a great quote a couple of weeks ago when Pam was discussing the reason why Dwight had both keys to the office and what would happen if Dwight died. Dwight's reply was "If I'm dead then that means the rest of you have been dead for weeks..."
  20. nobody builds a real weapon without govt. contracts. Too risky... If you are at the testing point, then you are already in bed w/ the feds.
  21. maybe... All of them? That is a long, long list. I have this more planned as a drop down menu of the most popular ones.
  22. does one like this exist? If not, this would be a new feature and it would require me finding someone to up keep it. (I have a poor track record of doing this myself ).
  23. front page stuff only.... sorry.
  24. for that weekend or for the full year? Assuming full year.... a link to this: http://www.nfl.com/schedules?seasonType=REG&season=2008 ??? Can that be in a drop down menu (2-clicks) or is that really a single-click item that should have it's own front page real estate?
  25. In my efforts to redesign the site, I want to make sure the necessities are one click away (stuff that isn't front page material of course). Could you take a moment and let me know what links/features you currently would like to be only a click away? (as opposed to being nested in menus, 2nd page, etc...) For example, the schedule, the roster, buffalobills.com, etc...
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