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Everything posted by SDS

  1. I've upped it to a full 100% match. I forgot about the tax implications, so I upped the contribution.
  2. Just click on the book or the button that says "Buy from Amazon".
  3. well, I think we just entered 999 days in the suspension field and I guess that time has passed.... It is just a game. Relax and all will be well.
  4. do we even know his address or any other contact information?
  5. $50 donated from TBD in memory of AJ. I also provided a link to this thread in hope you can get more signatures (although I'm not sure if that was tacky or not). If so, I can ask them to remove it. Regardless, the sentiment is genuine.
  6. do I have your address? if not, send a PM please. Sorry for the delay - my job issues and my general laziness got in the way. Maybe they are related?
  7. ok, I put the links up on the right hand column. Note that you can buy the hard cover or other forms of the book by clicking on the links on the paperback page towards the middle of the page. I hope this turns out well! We can make a final determination of the charity later, but I agree with Lori that a local chapter of whatever is decided would be a better selection.
  8. yeah, what the Chef said...
  9. The extra 50% is out of my pocket. Depending whether it is hard cover or paperback - it would be about 50 cents/book, plus what I kick in. It may not amount to much, but if people are going to buy the books, then why not let Amazon make a charitable contribution no matter how big or small?
  10. Ok, I went to do this and it isn't available. Is there another Bills hat you want or do you want a TBD hat?
  11. I was thinking that with the interest in Tim due to his untimely passing that many people may be buying his books. What do you guys think about setting up links on the front page to buy the books from and TBD will donate 150% of the profit to the AHA or some other heart disease related charity?
  12. I'm glad he cut me off because I knew I was starting to ramble and then I forgot the original question. I think John sensed that and saved me...
  13. A few questions about Lynch, the website, and Russert. I only rambled once. They wanted to know what everyone was saying about the situation and my thoughts. I explained that the situation was very polarizing and contentious. I said I was in the "wait and see" camp and that justice proceeds at its own pace, not mine. The Duke Lacrosse team rape case should have taught us all a lesson. I referenced the Tim Russert thread that everyone was leaving their well wishes to the family and their memories of Tim.
  14. Well, my brother just called. He caught it. I didn't tell anyone as I tend to want to minimize the damage I inflict upon myself.
  15. Just curious if I caused anyone to drive off the road with my terrible voice...
  16. Bruce Weissman over at http://www.SportsCruises.info !!! Bruce is a small businessman who has decided to support Two Bills Drive in an effort to grow his business. I have traded many emails and talked with him on the phone. From all indications he seems like a good guy trying to get his own business up and running. He is now taking reservations for a cruise down to Miami to see the Bills whip the Dolphins. Currently, his website is a little rough, retro 1996 , but we will be giving him a hand to help put the polish on a lot of hard work. Since he has decided to support us, I hope that those who are inclined to book a vacation cruise will give him a chance to earn your business. It would make sense to support someone supporting a hobby you enjoy (love to hate? ) rather than just picking a name out of the telephone book. Please think about Bruce if a vacation cruise is in your near future. His banner ad will be prominently featured on the front page of TBD. Thanks...
  17. Traffic is valuable whether they selling something or not. Once you establish traffic then you can leverage that into profit. So, using someone else's traffic to increase your own is a crummy way to increase the valuation of your own web space. How is that?
  18. to register a nickname: enter room with desired name, then type: /attach <password> <email> names expire in 21 days if you don't login.
  19. nope... http://www.twobillsdrive.com/chatroom.png
  20. because I learned years ago that everyone isn't going to agree with any decision made anywhere at any time. So, I noted your objection, accepted your right to your opinion, and moved on. You should just accept that the policy will continue and move on. Now, if you write a book or star in movie - let us know - we'll be sure to highlight it....
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