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Everything posted by SDS

  1. with the new ginormous monitors the full screen is actually more awkward. The fixed with is large enough to utilize enough screen real estate with/out have absurd paragraph widths. I mean, what other site has text extend for 1600 pixels across the monitor? Use the new skin for a week and you'll like it.
  2. choose whatever you want. I just want this to be the default skin. I'll get around to updating the old one... someday.
  3. Trust me, if they did their background check on me they would have been horrified enough to never make contact.
  4. well, it is the same banner as the front page has had since the summer. However, I changed it so that all the members were using this skin. If you like the old one better, you can choose it in the drop down menu in the bottom left hand corner.
  5. I haven't read the article yet, but I wanted to give a bug thank you to Judy for allowing me to chime in on the subject. What was supposed to be 5 minutes, turned into 35 minutes of me yapping about the subject. She took the time to go to Buffalo and speak with people in the community - this was not researched and written in a NYC coffee shop. I'll read it tomorrow, but for now I have some MySQL tuning to do, since game days have been shakey recently.
  6. Obama went because the President called him and requested his presence. Obama stated that this was the worst fiscal crises since (well, I'm sure since Kerry, Gore, Clinton, etc... announcements in their campaign) since the depression. He then proceeded to prepare for a debate.
  7. If I had that kind of liquidity.... Sadly, I don't. we stash our savings in another bank, but we do our checking there. However, I'm just wondering about the access of what we do have there in the meantime. I apologize for being an ignorant SOB, but I imagine retirement accounts are probably not at risk since they are just managing where the funds go - correct?
  8. is this official? Wachovia is my bank and they handle our retirement accounts at work.
  9. well, the submissions have to be approved obviously. We couldn't just let anyone post any link to the front page. IF the links weren't approaved then chances are they were already posted and you didn't see them.
  10. http://www.twobillsdrive.com/beat/submit_news.php the link is right above the ads that are posted at the end of 1st day.
  11. It would be very helpful to also submit these articles via the front page, so that we can be as timely as possible. Thanks...
  12. Mine uses magnets.
  13. For example: http://www.bluetoad.com/publication/?i=3938 please tell me, from a reader's perspective, what do you think about such software vs. more conventional formats liek PDF or converting a magazine to html.
  14. I think once you are under 40 yards Kif, you might want to think about a different strategery....
  15. No, it wasn't... we led 7-6 Timmah!
  16. Again whatever... there is no reason to be drawn into a Josh Reed bashing debate today. He played well. Good for him. Good for BillsNation. If in your opinion, he has played up to the level of a 2nd round selection over the past 6 years, then that is your opinion. Others think differently. It doesn't really matter that people disagree.
  17. that "joke" got old back in 1998... and it wasn't really funny then either.
  18. why is that complicated? Wrestling has had that since the 80's (the coin flip after the 1st period). I'm sure if high school wrestlers can figure it out - an NFL coach can keep track of it.
  19. [This is an automated response] As a courtesy to the other board members, please use more descriptive subject lines. The topic starter can edit the subject line to make it more appropriate. Thank you.
  20. it is on page 2.
  21. Given where he was drafted, I don't think he has met expectations. No big deal though, he appears to have put whatever bothered him in the past behind him.
  22. who said anyone was wrong? A guy plays poorly for years and then starts to play well. Good for him, but it doesn't excuse what happened in the past. Hopefully, he keeps it going.
  23. what was the point of this? On top of being senseless - you needed to bump this 8 minutes later? So, Josh Reed had a good game today and that means he played well 2 years ago. Whatever... argue with yourself.
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